Angela S. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Introduction Course Syllabi Conference Presentations Community Publications Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Angela S. Jacobs, Ph.D.

Professor / Graduate Coordinator Office: 2419 - Buzzard Hall
Phone: 217-581-2020
Email: asjacobs@eiu.edu


Office hours for Spring 2025.

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 10:30am-12:30pm or by appointment


CMN 4765

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CMN 5040

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Conference Presentations

Jacobs, A. (2015). Breaking the silence: Open and candid talk about suicide. A paper presented at the annual Thomas A. Bonine Suicide Prevention Conference, Eastern Illinois

University, Charleston, IL.


Jacobs, A. (2014, November).  An evolutionary tale of women mentoring women: How pastmentorship creates present opportunities. A paper presented at the annual National

Communication Association (NCA) conference, Chicago, IL.

Walus, S., & Jacobs, A. (2014, April). Creation of Space and Place in The Office: AnExamination of Humor as a Mechanism for Creating Space, Resistance, and Incorporation. A
                  paper presented at the annual Central States Communication Association (CSCA) conference, Minneapolis, MN.


Jacobs, A. (2013, October). You’re doing fine! As a matter of fact, you make this look easy. A paper presented at the annual Organization for the Study of Communication,             
                 Language, and Gender (OSCLG) conference, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI.


Jacobs, A. (2012, October). Equipping teachers: Strategies for parent/teacher interactions. A paper presented at the annual Bridging Voices in Our Community (BVC) Conference,

                Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL.


Jacobs, A., Hennessy, K., Lyles, J., Nealon, C., & Tyns, D. (2012, October). In their Own Voices: Weaving tales of bullies and their victims. Performative research presented at

Eastern Illinois University’s annual Bridging Voices in Our Community (BVC)Conference.






Jacobs, A. (2011, Spring). Single mothers in the academic organization: Challenges to a healthy work/family balance. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Central States  

Communication Association, Milwaukee, WI.


Jacobs, A. (2011, Spring). “Coloring our diversity: Great Ideas For Teaching (G.I.F.T.), Central States Communication Association, Milwaukee, WI .



Widow-to-Widow Support Group Coordinator/facilitator (Coles County)
Stephens Ministry progr


Jacobs, A. (2016). Sports vs. Church: The dilemma of choosing sides. In D. L. Tucker & J. S.

Wrench (Eds.) Casing Sport Communication. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.


Jacobs, A. (2014). A crisis in counseling: Questioning the role of crisis counselors within

            police departments. Heath Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2013.796437

Frequently Taught Courses

CMN2020 Communication Research Methods
CMN2630 Interpersonal Communication
CMN3710 Intercultural Communication
CMN4765 Family Communication
CMN5150 Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
CMN5240 Communication Pedagogy
CMN5510 Interpersonal Communication
CMN5530 Intercultural Communication

Research & Creative Interests

Family Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Suicide Awareness/Prevention
Communicating grief and bereavement

Professional Affiliations

Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
National Communication Association (NCA)
Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (OSCLG)