Dr. Aura Jirau Arroyo
Introduction Education & Training Office Hours

Dr. Aura Jirau Arroyo

Assistant Professor of History Email: asjirauarroyo@eiu.edu


I am a historian of modern Puerto Rico who specializes in social movements and Critical University Studies. My current book project explores the role of public higher education in the development of Puerto Rico's territorial political-economic structures during the Cold War.

My teaching interests intersect Puerto Rican, Latin American, US-Latine, and World histories.

Education & Training

PhD, University of Pittsburgh (2021)

MA, University of Pittsburgh (2016)

BA, University of Puerto Rico - Río Piedras campus (2014)

Office Hours

Mondays, Wendesdays, and Fridays from 11:00-12:00 (in the office) and by appointment (via Zoom)


Distance learners may reach out via email for a phone or Zoom appointement