Mrs. Beth L. Bergstrom
Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Mrs. Beth L. Bergstrom

Instructor Office: 2304 - Human Services
Phone: 217-581-7442
Fax: 217-581-7105
Email: blbergstrom@eiu.edu

Education & Training

1996 - M.S. - Eastern Illinois University
1994 - B.A. - Augustana College

Conference Presentations

-Bergstrom, B., & Becker, T. (2024) Comprehensive Assessment of Differential Diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders. 64th Annual Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. Rosemont, IL


-Bergstrom, B., & Becker, T. (2009). See Results through Aided Language Modeling. Presented for Closing the Gap. Minneapolis, Minnesota, October.

-Bergstrom, B., (2009).Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing. Presented for local NSSLHA. Charleston, IL, April.

-Bergstrom, B., & Becker, T. (2008). Language through literacy. Presented for STARnet, DHS King Center, Chicago, IL, August.

-Bergstrom, B., & Becker, T. (2007). Instructing parents how to facilitate language through literacy: The WHSPS program. Presented at East Central Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association. Charleston, IL, June.

-Bergstrom, B., & Becker, T. (2007). Babies need books: Structured programs for caregivers of children 0-3. Presented at the Illinois Speech-Language and Hearing Associated State Convention, Chicago, IL, February.


-Faculty-Eastern Illinois University (2005-present)

-Consultation/Collaboration for 0-3 and school-age children

-Supervisory conferences]

-Attend IEP staffings at local schools

-Development of funding reports for AAC devices

-Private practice in Speech-Language Pathology providing evaluation and skilled intervention with Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center in Mattoon, IL and Community Home Care in Sullivan, IL with a focus on Early Intervention services and home health

Frequently Taught Courses

•CDS 5915 Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment

 CDS 4900/5900 Undergraduate and Graduate Clinical Practicum

• CDS 5910 Diagnostic Evaluations

• CDS 5400 Special Topic - Communication Disorders Related to Cleft Palate

• CDS 5400 Special Topic - EI Working with Families

• CDS 5400 Special Topic – Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Research & Creative Interests

-Cleft Palate and Pierre Robin Sequence

-Literacy in Early Intervention

-AAC with individuals with apraxia and autism

-Developmental Trauma

Speech Sound Disorders (Differential Diagnosis)

Gestalt Language Processing

Professional Affiliations

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association