Dr. Britto P. Nathan
Assistant Chair and Professor, Coordinator of Graduate Programs Office: 2162 - Life SciencesEmail: bpnathan@eiu.edu
Conference Presentations
Invited speaker on “Interaction of apoE with estrogen in Alzheimer’s disease” Alzheimer’s Center, Southern Illinois University, Medical School, Springfield, IL, 2007.
Poster Presentations Poster Presentation on “Impact of apoE deficiency on regeneration of olfactory receptor neurons post injury in mice” at Annual Meeting of Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Sarasota, FL, 2007.
Invited Speaker on “ApoE and Alzheimer’s disease” at Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Illinois, IL, 2006.
. 2003.
* = Student Author
A. Barsukova*, R.G. Struble, B.P. Nathan. Isoform-specific effects of apolipoprotein E on mircoglial activation in cortical and microglial cultures from adult mouse brain, Journal of neurodegeneration and regeneration, In Press.
Nwosu I, Gairhe* S, Struble RG, Nathan BP. Impact of apoE deficiency during synaptic remodeling in the mouse olfactory bulb. Neurosci Letters, 441(3):282-5, 2008.
Struble, R.G., Cady, C., Nathan, B.P., McAsey, M.E. Apolipoprotein E may be a critical factor in hormone therapy neuroprotection. Frontiers in Bioscience, 5387-5405, 2008.
Nathan, B.P., Nannapaneni*, S., Gairhe*, S., Nwosu*, I., Struble, R.G. The distribution of apolipoprotein E in mouse olfactory epithelium. Brain Research, 1137, 78-83, 2007.
Cheng, X., McAsey, M., Li, M., Randall, S., Cady, C., Nathan, B.P, Struble, R.G. Estradiol replacement increases the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein (LRP) in the mouse brain. Neuroscience Letters, 417(1):50-54, 2007.
Struble RG, Afridi S, Beckman-Randall S, Li M, Cady C, Nathan B, McAsey ME. Neocortical and Hippocampal Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity shows region-specific variation during the mouse estrous cycle. Neuroendocrinology, 83: 325-335, 2006.
McAsey, M.E., Cady, C., Jackson, L.M., Li, M., Randall, S., Nathan, B.P., Struble, R.G., Time course of response to estradiol replacement in ovariectomized mice: brain apolipoprotein E and synaptophysin transiently increase and glial fibrillary acidic protein is suppressed. Experimental Neurology, 197(1), 197-205, 2006.
Struble RG, Nathan BP, Cady C, Cheng X, McAsey M. Estradiol regulation of astroglia and apolipoprotein E: An important role in neuronal regeneration. Experimental Gerontology, 10, 2006
Research & Creative Interests
Dr. Nathan's research centers around neuroscience with special interest in neurological diseases. His current research is aimed at understanding the pathological pathways that lead to death of brain cells in aging humans, and predisposes them to dementia such as Alzheimer's disease. A wide range of molecular, biochemical, and cellular techniques are used in his laboratory. He has received funding from the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute of Health, and has published in several journals including Science.