
Carole R. Collins Ayanlaja
Introduction Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Carole R. Collins Ayanlaja

Associate Professor Office: 2325 - Buzzard Hall
Phone: 217-581-6669
Email: ccollinsayanlaja@eiu.edu


As Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, I educate and elevate adult learners through delivery of interactive hybrid and virtual instruction that prepares professionals for a career in teacher leadership and service as principals and superintendents.
My professional career spans over three decades of combined public school teaching, school leadership, district leadership, and university teaching.  My instruction amplifies equity and inclusive practices in Educational Leadership.  An internal lens that propels my research is focused on racial, social, economic, and cultural conditions and how these impact leadership experiences, student outcome, and family engagement. My methodological approach is rooted in constructivist and interpretivist paradigms.  I am equity driven and promote respect, opportunity, and access for all.
I engage in exploratory inquiry built upon constructivist paradigms. My teaching, research, practice, and service aims are to promote opportunity and access for all students, families, and communities.

Education & Training

Ph.D. Educational Policy Studies and Administration, December, 2011 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. 
Dissertation Title:  “Emerging Lenses:  Perspectives of Parents of Black Students on School Success”
M.A. Urban Teaching, May, 1994 Concordia University, River Forest, IL. 
B.A. Politics, May, 1987 Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL. 
Illinois Administrative Certificate  Endorsement: Superintendent
Illinois Standard Elementary Teaching:  Endorsements: Self Contained General Education Kindergarten through Grade 9, French Upper Elementary/Junior High, Social Science Upper Elementary/Jr. High
Illinois Standard Secondary Teaching: Endorsements:  High School Civics/Political Science; Sociology
Connecticut Initial Educator License 092 Intermediate Administrator, 093 Superintendent
Iowa Professional Administrator License (expired)                                                                                                            Endorsements: Principal, Superintendent, Area Administrator, And Special Education Administrator PreK-12 

RESEARCH SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Qualitative Research Methods


Conference Presentations


10/2019 Presenter Making Education Inclusive (MEI) 3rd Annual RISE Conference Eastern Illinois University “Seeking a More Perfect Union- Deconstructing the Psychological Impact of Racism and Economic Marginalization through Awareness, Self-Action, and Cross-Cultural Engagement”

9/2010 Presenter (not attended)

5/2019 Presenter National Conference on Race and Equity (NCORE), Portland, Oregon “Confronting the Double Standard-Cultural Sharing from Dishonor and Disregard to Anti-racist Respect and Reverence-(ABCDE-A Blueprint for Character Development and Parental Engagement)

4/2019 Presenter Civic Engagement Forum, Eastern Illinois University

3/2019 Presenter Chicago State University Leadership Academy Race and Equity Conference, Chicago, IL.  “The Untapped Voices of Parents of Black Children: Projecting Selves, Advocating for Students, and Informing Schools”

2/2019 Presenter Conference on Academic Research in Education (CARE), Las Vegas, NV.  “Diverse U.S. Superintendents and English Chief Executive Officers of Education Doing the Right Thing-Prioritizing Moral Virtues for Community Education Improvement”

11/2018 Presenter Triple I Conference, Chicago, IL Roundtable “The Reality of Rising:  Supporting the Success of Diverse Leaders”

10/2018 Presenter Mid-Western American Educational Research Association, Cincinnati, OH “Increased Educator Mental Health Literacy as Social Justice:  A Multidimensional Approach”

10/2018 Presenter Making Education Inclusive (MEI) 2nd Annual RISE Conference Eastern Illinois University “Confronting the Double Standard-Cultural Sharing from Dishonor and Disregard to Anti-racist Respect and Reverence”

9/2018  Presenter (forthcoming) Race and Pedagogy Institute, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA “And the Walls Come Tumbling Down —Parents of Black Children from Marginalization to Representation”

8/2018  Presenter World Educational Research Association (WERA), Cape Town, SA “Parents authentic participation in a United States public school to advocate for their Black children’s education success”

8/2018 Presenter World Educational Research Association (WERA), Cape Town, SA “ Comparative Analysis of US Superintendents and English Chief Executive Officers building primary and secondary intellectual virtues as part of their manifesto”

7/2018 Presenter (not attended) British Educational Leadership Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)”Twenty-eight Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnicity Senior Educational Leaders talk about the education policy and infrastructure they need for democracy in education:  Global perspectives from the US , Palestine, and England.

4/2018   Presenter American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY “19th International Roundtable on School, Family and Community Partnerships “Ties that Bind?  Exploring Barriers and Breakthroughs in School/Home  Linkages for Parents of Black Children”

4/2018  Convener-BELMAS Doctoral Research Interest Group (DRIG)Symposium “Empowering Young Societal Innovators for Equity and Renewal         

11/2017 Presenter Triple I Conference, Chicago, IL “Roundtable-Mirror Check:  Confronting Threats to Culturally Competent Leadership

9/2017  Presenter Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), Springfield, IL  “African American Parents and Effective Parent Involvement Programs”

8/2017  Presenter (not attended) European Conference on Educational Research-European Education Research Association (EERA), Copenhagen, DK  “Turbulence in Six International Education Governance-Systems: Comparing Knowledge to Action for Equity, Peace and Renewal (Part 2)”

8/2017  Presenter National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEL), San Juan, PR “ Won’t You Be My Neighbor:  Developing Home/School Linkages Through Authentic Understanding”

11/2016 Presenter Student Teacher Symposium, Concordia University, River Forest, IL “Navigating Educational Leadership and Policy:  Teaching is Leading”

10/2016 Presenter  School District 159, Matteson, IL  Parent/Family University “Setting Educational Goals for My Child with the Teacher”

10/2016 Presenter Triple I Conference, Chicago, IL “ Perspectives of Parents of Black Children”

7/2016 Presenter Harmony House, Leicester, UK. Ethics of Love Lecture

6/2016 Presenter Harmony House, Leicester, UK. Empowering Trust and Community Cohesion Panel

4/2016 Presenter World Educational Research Association (WERA), Washington DC

“A Bourdiesian analysis of institutional racism”

4/2016 Chair American Educational Research Association Conference (AERA), Washington DC

Roundtable “Access, Aspirations, and Capital: How Tracking Shapes Trajectories”

1/2016 Presenter Superintendents Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity, Tinley Park IL

“Parents as Partners-Empowerment and Involvement”

11/2015 Presenter National Association of Black School Educators (NABSE), Washington DC

Superintendent Strand “Sister Superintendents: Women in Leadership: Networks, Support, and Survival”

9/2015 Discussant European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Budapest, Hungary

“International Boundary Crossing Study of Higher Education Institutions Working in Partnership with Schools to Improve Participation in Processes and Practices”

4/2015 Chair Edu Lead Research Group-North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

“Lead, manage, and govern in a diverse and complex context towards quality education for all”

4/2015 Presenter Edu-Lead Research Group-North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

"Black parents and Black Children's Authentic Participation in a School System”

9/2014 Discussant European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Porto, Portugal

“International Boundary Crossing Study of Higher Education Institutions Working in Partnership with Schools to Improve Participation in Processes and Practices”

7/2013 Delegate British Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration Society (BELMAS), Edinburgh, Scotland

4/2013 Attendee American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.

2/2005 Presenter Chicago Principals and Administrators Association (CPAA)

“Small Schools Initiative Discussion-Rezin Orr Campus, Chicago Public Schools”





2018 Eastern Illinois University MEI (Making Excellence Inclusive) Committee

2017-91成人视频-TRIO Mentor

2017-present 91成人视频 College of Education Curriculum Committee

2017-present  91成人视频 College of Education Research Committee (Chair, 2018-2019; 2019-2020)

2016 –present Editorial Board-International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE)

2016 Member Policy Pillar Committee –Vision 20/20 Highly Effective Educators


Peer Reviewer

International Journal of Leadership in Education (ILJE)

International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL)

International Journal of Multicultural Education (IJME)

Journal of National Association of Black School Educators (JABSE)

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting


2018  Appointed Member-Commission on Anti-Racism and Equity-Chicago Presbytery (CARE)                                       

 2018 Selected Member-Lake Forest College Alumni Council

2016 Deacon Board Presbyterian Church (USA) Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church, Chicago-Chair, Christian Education Committee; Teens in Christian Knowledge (TICK) Coordinator; Environmental Stewardship Committee member;  Social Justice Committee member

2016 Debate Judge Chicago Debate Commission, Chicago


4/2013 Connecticut Mirror- Op-Ed Getting Ready for the New Common Core Curriculum



Frequently Taught Courses

EDL 5700-Enhancing Effective Practice

EDL 5420-Leadership and Management of Educational Resources

EDL 6200-Evaluating Student Achievement

EDL 6600-Organizational Management

EDL 6700-Educational Program Planning and Evaluation

EDL 6810-Seminar in School Law
                                                                                                                                                                                      EDL 5891, 92, 93-Principal Practicum

Research & Creative Interests

Eastern Illinois University-Turbulence in Education Governance Systems;  Knowledge in Action for Equity, Peace, and Renewal, Eastern Illinois University
Thesis Committee Member-Eastern Illinois University -Legislative Effects on Bulying in Local Schools-Mitch Saret, Candidate M.A.

Professional Affiliations

Affiliations Past and Present:

International Council of Professors of Educational Administration (ICPEA)
International Journal of Multicultural Education
Journal of National Association of Black School Educators (JABSE)                                                                        American Educational Research Association (AERA)                                                                                                  World Education Research Association (WERA)                                                                                                        Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA)                                                                                              European Educational Research Association(EERA)                                                                                            International Council of Professors of Educational Administration (ICPEA)                                                      Superintendent's Commission for the Study of Demographics and Diversity (SCSDD)