
Elizabeth Gill, Ph.D.
Introduction Course Syllabi My 91成人视频 Story Education & Training Conference Presentations Publications Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Elizabeth Gill, Ph.D.

Professor/ Director of B.S. in Health Communication Office: 2423 - Buzzard Hall
Phone: 217-581-6003
Email: egill@eiu.edu


Spring 2025:  in person: MW 10:55 – 11:25am, virtual: TR 8-9:30am, additional hours M-F by appointment


CMN 2010

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My 91成人视频 Story

Teaching and Research Awards and Recognition:

Provost's Award for Integrative Learning, Eastern Illinois University  (2013)

Outstanding Faculty, Student Disability Services, Eastern Illinois University (2013)

Achievement and Contribution Award, Balanced Category, Eastern Illinois University (2009)

Redden Grant for the Improvement of Undergraduate Instruction, Eastern Illinois University Foundation (2009)

Outstanding Honors Faculty, Eastern Illinois University Honors College (2008, 2009)

Top Paper, National Communication Association, Aging and Communication Division (2009)

Top Three Paper,National Communication Association, Communication and Social Cognition Division (2009)

Education & Training

Ph.D. (August 2007) Purdue University, Department of Communication

M.A. (August 2003) Purdue University, Department of Communication

B.A. (May 2001) Purdue University, Department of Communication


Conference Presentations

Frank, J. & Gill, E.A. (2014, April). The Negotiated Identities of Long-Term Inmates: Breaking the Chains of Problematic Integration. Paper competitively selected by the Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Interest Group for presentation at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Greene, J.O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L., Gill, E.A., Hall, E.D.  Berkelaar, B., Herbers, L., & Hingson, L. (2013, June). Formative Communication Experiences and Message Production in Adulthood: Family Communication Patterns and Creative Facility. Paper competitively selected for presentation at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, London, England.

Gill, E. A. & Morgan, M. (2011, November). Adult Children’s Communication and Coping with a Parent’s Move to a Care Facility. Paper competitively selected by the Aging and Communication Division for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Gill, E.A. (2010, November). The Ins and Outs of Initiating a Social Marketing Internship Program. Panel competitively selected by the Mid-America College Health Association for presentation at its annual meeting, Terre Haute, IN.

Gill, E.A. (2010, April). From social marketing to service learning: Innovative ideas for engaging students in health communication. Panel competitively selected by the Health Communication Interest Group to be presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Cincinnati, OH.

Gill, E.A. (2009, November). Home Sweet Home: Conceptualizing and coping with the challenges of aging and the move to a care facility. Paper competitively selected by the Aging and Communication Division for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
*Top Paper in Aging and Communication

Morgan, M., Greene, J. O., McCullough, J.D., & Gill, E.A. (2009, November). Creative Facility in Narrative Production. Paper competitively selected by the Communication and Social Cognition Division for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
*Top Three Paper in Communication and Social Cognition


Hall, E.D., Greene, J.O., Anderson, L., Hingson, L., Gill, E.A., Berkelaar, B., Morgan, M., (forthcoming). The Family Environment of “Quick-Witted” Persons: Birth Order, Family Communication Patterns, and Creative Facility. Communication Research.

Frank, J. & Gill, E.A. (2015). The Negotiated Identities of Long-Term Inmates: Breaking the Chains of Problematic Integration. Western Journal of Communication.

Greene, J.O., Morgan, M., Anderson, L., Gill, E.A., Hall, E.D.  Berkelaar, B., Herbers,L., & Hingson, L. (2014). Formative Communication Experiences and Message Production Ability in Adulthood: Family Communication Patterns and Creative Facility. Communication Research Reports.

Gill, E.A. (2014). Ethnography. In The Encyclopedia of Health Communication.. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Gill, E. A. & Morgan, M. (2012). Older parents and adult daughters: A comparison of communication and coping during the decision to move to a care facility. Research on Aging, 34, 714-737.

Gill, E.A. & Morgan, M. (2011). Home Sweet Home: Conceptualizing and Coping with the Challenges of Aging and the Move to a Care Facility. Health Communication, 26, 332-342.

Morgan, M., Greene, J. O., McCullough, J.D., Gill, E.A., & Graves, A. (2010). A Phrase Well Turned: Creative Facility in Narrative Production. Communication Studies, 61, 118-134.

Morgan, M., Greene, J. O., Gill, E A., & McCullough, J.D. (2009). The creative character of talk: Individual differences in narrative production ability. Communication Studies, 60, 1-17.

Gill, E.A. (2009). Book Review: Cancer and death: A love story in two voices. Journal of Health Communication, 14.

Gill, E. A. & Babrow, A. S. (2007). To hope or to know: Uncertainty and ambivalence in women’s magazine breast cancer articles. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 35(2), 133-155.

Frequently Taught Courses

Interpersonal Communication
Health Communication
Conflict Management
Family Communication
Intercultural Communication
Communication Theory
Research Methods

Research & Creative Interests

My research interests focus on interpersonal and health communication. Embedded in much of my research are fundamental questions about uncertainty and ambivalence and how broadly shared norms shape the health and family concerns of vulnerable populations. I have examined the uncertainties inherent in both the experience of breast cancer and the struggles older adults and their families face regarding issues of paternalism and autonomy. In one recent line of research I explore the identity, role, and other relational difficulties that arise as older adults and their children encounter the decision to move to a care-related facility. And in a second line of research I examine the uncertainties surrounding communication, identity, and aging for long term prison inmates.

Professional Affiliations

National Communication Association
Central States Communication Association