
Dr. Gopal R. Periyannan
Introduction My 91成人视频 Story Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Funding & Grants Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Dr. Gopal R. Periyannan

Professor - Biochemistry Office: 4417 - Physical Sciences
Phone: 217-581-6379
Email: grperiyannan@eiu.edu



Professor Periyannan earned his B.S. (Hons) in Chemistry at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 1994. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Miami University, Oxford, OH under Professor Michael W. Crowder on metalloenzymes in 2004. He then followed a postdoctoral training at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee under Professor Brian Bennett on aminopeptidase mechanisms. Professor Periyannan joined the faculty at Eastern Illinois University in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in 2006.

My 91成人视频 Story



Education & Training

B.Sc.(Hon), University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka), 1996
Ph.D., Miami University (Ohio), 2004

Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

91成人视频, 2006


Conference Presentations







Periyannan GR. Bacterial Cellobiose Metabolism: An Inquiry-Driven, Comprehensive Undergraduate Laboratory Teaching Approach to Promote Investigative Learning. Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2019 Mar 28.

Gamage DG, Gunaratne A, Periyannan GR, Russell TG. Applicability of Instability Index for In vitro Protein Stability Prediction. Protein Pept Lett. 2019 Feb 28.

Gopal R. Periyannan, Barbara A. Lawrence, Annie E. Egan. 1H-NMR Based Conformational Analysis  of Mono- and Disaccharides and Detection of β-Glucosidase Activity. J.  Chem. Educ. 2015, 92 (7), pp 1244–1249

Presley, G. N., Payea M. J., Hurst L. R., Egan A. E., Martin, B. S., & Periyannan, G. R. (2014). Extracellular gluco-oligosaccharide degradation by Caulobacter crescentus. Microbiology, 160 (Pt3):635-45.

Tioni MF, Llarrull LI, Poeylaut-Palena AA, MartiÌ聛 MA, Saggu M, Periyannan GR, Mata EG, Bennett B, Murgida DH, Vila AJ, " Trapping and Characterization of a Reaction Intermediate in Carbapenem Hydrolysis by B. cereus Metallo-beta-lactamase" J Am Chem Soc. (2008)130 (47),  15852–15863.

Hu, Z., Periyannan, G., Bennett, B., and Crowder, M.W., “Role of the Zn1 and Zn2 sites in metallo-β-lactamase L1” J Am Chem Soc. (2008) Oct 29;130(43):14207-16.

Z. Hu, G.R. Periyannan, M.W. Crowder, "Folding strategy to prepare Co(II)-substituted metallo-beta-lactamase L1"  Anal Biochem. (2008)Jul 15;378(2):177-83.

Amit Kumar, Gopal Raj Periyannan, Beena Narayanan, Aaron W. Kittell,  Jung-Ja Kim and Brian Bennett. Experimental evidence for a metallohydrolase mechanism in which the nucleophile is not delivered by a metal ion: EPR spectrokinetic and structural studies of aminopeptidase from Vibrio proteolyticus. Biochem J.(2007) May 1;403(3):527-36.

M.L. Matthews, G. Periyannan, T.K. Sigdel, C. Hajdin, B. Bennett, and M.W. Crowder, “Probing the reaction mechanism of the D-ala-D-ala dipeptidase, VanX, by using stopped-flow kinetic and rapid- freeze quench EPR studies on the Co(II)-substituted enzyme” J. Am. Chem. Soc.(2006) Oct 11;128(40):13050-1.

A. L. Costello, G. R. Periyannan, K.-W. Yang, M. W. Crowder, D. L. Tierney, "Site selective binding of Zn(II) to metallo-ß-lactamase L1 from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia," JBIC 2006, 11(3), 351-8.

G. R. Periyannan, A. L. Costello, D. L. Tierney, K.-W. Yang, B. Bennett, M.W. Crowder, "Sequential binding of Co(II) to metallo-ß-lactamase CcrA," Biochemistry 2006, 45(4), 1313-1320.

G. P. K. Marasinghe, I. M. Sander, B. Bennett, G. R Periyannan, K.-W. Yang, C. A. Makaroff, M. W. Crowder, "Structural studies on a mitochondrial glyoxalase II," J. Biol. Chem. 2005, 280(49), 40668-40675.


Funding & Grants

  1. Biomass Conversion: Proteomic Identification of Glycoside Hydrolases from Caulobacter crescentus, Jan 2010; Funding Agency: Research Corporation for Science Advancement; $ 41,175.
  2. Functional Characterization of Recombinant Human Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II, Dec 2017 Funding For Undergraduate Mentored Research (Mentee: Kyrsten Holderby) from Mindlin Foundation, $5000.  
  3. Determination of the Functional Significance of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Folate Metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans. Illinois State Academy of Science, Spring 2020, $1000.
  4. Molecular Probe to Detect GCPII Expression. Illinois State                Academy of Science, Spring 2021, $1000. 


Frequently Taught Courses

CHM 1310 - General Chemistry I
CHM 1315 - General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHM 3300 - Survey of Biochemistry
CHM 3450 - Biochemistry I
CHM 3455 - Biochemistry Laboratory
CHM 3460 - Biochemistry II
CHM 4860 - Biochemistry III/Advanced Biochemistry
CHM 5180 - Bioanalytical Problem Solving
CHM 5700 - Energy Chemistry


Research & Creative Interests

My research focuses on the biological roles of Zn-metalloproteases and glycoside hydrolases in order to understand their physiological function, in disease development and molecular evolution of bacterial life in oligotrophic environments.

My research interest spans across several disciplines of biological chemistry, focusing on the following areas:

Bacterial Oligotrophic Metabolism

  • Bacterial glycoside hydrolases and Caulobacter crescentus
  • Plant biomass-derived renewable materials
  • Bioinorganic chemistry/Chemical biology/Synthetic biology


  • Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II functions in Caenorhabditis elegans
  • Membrane biochemistry
  • Role of metalloproteases in cell signaling and cancer metastasis.

Protein Functional Modulation Through Lipid-Protein Interactions 

  • Protein dimerization and functional modulation mediated by lipid-protein/protein-protein interactions.

Within my research, I use molecular biological/cloning techniques in bacterial and yeast expression systems to obtain the proteins of interest. Easy-to-handle eukaryotic model systems, such as C. elegans, functional genomic techniques, are employed to understand the functional significance of these metalloenzymes in eukaryotes.

Collaborative investigation of membrane protein dynamics through biochemical, spectroscopic and computational methods.



Professional Affiliations

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)