
Dr. Hasan F. Mavi
Introduction Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Funding & Grants Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Dr. Hasan F. Mavi

Professor Phone: 217-308-8223
Email: hfmavi@eiu.edu


Office Hours:    MTWTR 10:00-11:00 am or by appointment


Education & Training

Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sport,Liberal Arts, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1997- 2003.
Concentration: Sport Pedagogy
Dissertation: The relationship among dispositional, contextual variables, and intrinsic motivation in high school team sports.             
Advisor: Dr. Thomas J. Templin
M.S. in Physical Education and Sport, College of Nursing, Health & Human Services, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN, 1995-1997.
Concentration: Coaching Education                          
Advisor: Jolynn S. Kuhlman

Conference Presentations


Mavi, H. F. Oral Presentation “Youth Sport Participation: Trends, Concerns, and Solutions” 2019 IAHPERD State Convention, November 21-22, Pheasant Run, IL.

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “Let’s Explore the Sport Education Curriculum Model” 2018 IAHPERD State Convention, November 15-16, Pheasant Run, IL.

Mavi, H. F., & Abou-Zaid, A. American Islam. 2015 91成人视频nity Diversity Conference, February 6, 2015, Eastern Illinois University, IL.

Mavi, H. F., & Ervin, K. (2014).  Using D2L eP & LE to Develop a Secure Online Faculty Evaluation Capability at a Comprehensive Public University. Fusion 2014: Desire2Learn Global Users Conference, July 14-18, Nashville, Tennessee.

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “How affective are you?”2011 IAHPERD State Convention, November 17-18, Pheasant Run, IL. 

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “Promoting physical activity in the classroom” Regional Office of Education (ROE), Teacher Institute Day, October 8, 2010, Charleston High School, Charleston, IL.

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “Youth Fitness Testing” Regional Office of Education (ROE), Teacher Institute Day, October 9, 2009, Charleston High School, Charleston, IL. 

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “Physical Education Curriculum: A Neglected Area of Study” 2008 IAHPERD State Convention, November 20-22, 2008, Pheasant Run, IL.

Mavi, H.F.& Y脛卤ld脛卤z, Y. Oral Presentation: “Examination of secondary data to portray the status of sport tourism in Turkey”.The 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure. April 23-27, 2008, Antalya, Turkey. 

Gökçe, Z., Çam, I, & Mavi, H.F.  Oral Presentation: “Coaches’ views about the problems of badminton sport” The 3rd Racket Sports Symposium, Kocaeli University, December 14-15,2007, Kocaeli, TURKEY. 

Mavi, H.F.  Oral Presentation: “The informatics technology and internet usage and attitudes toward internet usage of undergraduate students in physical education and sports department.” 7th International Educational Technology Conference.  May 3-5, 2007, Nicosia, North Cyprus, Near East University Campus.
Du脛鸥an, Ö., Özbey, S., Mavi, H.F., & Ünal, A.  Oral Presentation: “An empirical work to develop ethic codes in sport management.”  2nd Applied Ethics Congress, October 18-20, 2006, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. 

Çaml脛卤yer, H., Mavi, H.F., Da脜鸥dan, E.N., & Çaml脛卤yer, H.  Oral Presentation: “Relating physical education teaching style and approaches with multiple intelligence theory.” 4th National Physical Education and Sport Teacher SymposiumJune 10-11, 2005, Bursa/Turkey, AS Cultural Center. 

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation: “Alternative approaches in physical education and sport teaching: Sport education and teaching personal and social responsibility models.”  4th National Physical Education and Sport Teacher SymposiumJune 10-11, 2005, Bursa/Turkey, AS Cultural Center.

Mavi, H.F. Oral Presentation:  “Achievement goal theory, perceived coaching behaviors and intrinsic motivation in high school team sports”.  2004 Pre-Olympic Congress:  Sport science through the ages: challenges in the new millennium.  August 6-11, 2004, Thessaloniki/Greece, Aristotle University Campus.


Gooch, S & Mavi, H.F. The media use, sports involvement and aggressive tendencies among male high school athletes.  Poster Presentation at the 19th Annual CEPS Research Fair. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, February 2016

Furtado, O., Gallagher, J., & Mavi, H.F. Reliability of Classification Decisions for the FG-COMPASS: A Follow-up. 2013 AAHPERD National Convention and ExpositionApril 23-27, Charlotte, NC.
Mavi, H.F.Health and Fitness: There is an app for that! Poster Presentation at the 15th Annual CEPS Research Fair. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, February 2012
Mavi, H.F.“Cigarette smoking habits of students in P.E. department” 2010 AAHPERD National Convention and Exposition, March 16-20, 2010, Indianapolis, IN. 

Mavi, H.F. “Examination of book reading views and attitudes of physical education teacher candidates” The 4th International Mediterranean Sport Sciences Congress, November 9-11, 2007, Antalya, TURKEY. 
Da脜鸥dan, E.N., Çaml脛卤yer, H., Çaml脛卤yer, H., Mavi, H.F., & Soytürk, M.Relationship among motivational orientations, perceived success and motivational climate in the physical education environment. The 9th International Sports Sciences Congress, November 3-5, 2006, Mu脛鸥la University, Mu脛鸥la, TURKEY. 
脛掳nce, P., & Mavi, H.F. “Validity and reliability of Revised Leadership Scale for Sport” The 9th International Sports Sciences Congress, November 3-5, 2006, Mu脛鸥la University, Mu脛鸥la, TURKEY.

Sharpe, T., Brown, S., Mavi, H.F., So, H. & Flynn, S. Description and effects of observational feedback goal-setting on the teaching improvement of GTAs matriculating through physical education doctoral programs, poster presentation at 1999 National Education Conference in Physical Education, October 14-16,1999, Bloomingdale, IL.

Sharpe, T., Brown, S., Mavi, H.F., Flynn, S. & So, H. Practice and implications of sequential behavior assessment on the field-based practices of pre-service teacher trainees across peer-teaching and PDS experiences, poster presentation at 1999 National Education Conference in Physical Education, October 14-16, 1999, Bloomingdale, IL.



Professor, Eastern Illinois University, Kinesiology and Sport Studies, 2018-present.   

1st IOHSK Annual International Virtual Conference, Conference Review Committee, October 15-16, 2020

Bozok International Journal of Sport Sciences, Publication Board Member. 2020-present.

Journal of Health, Sports and Kinesiology, Editorial Board Committee, 2020-present

Journal of Sport and Social Sciences, Advisory Board Member, 2015-present

Journal of Athletic Performance and Nutrition, Advisory Board Member, 2016-present

International Journal of Human Sciences, Reviewer, 2016-2019

Eastern Illinois University, Institutional Review Board Member, 2013-present.

ISAFA in Qatar 2016, International Science & Football Conference, 24-25 March 2016, Qatar University, Qatar, Scientific Committee Member.

Associate Professor, Eastern Illinois University, Kinesiology and Sport Studies, August 2013-2018.   

Eastern Illinois University, COTE (Committee on Teacher Education), 2015-2018.

Eastern Illinois University, CEPS Undergrad Research Committee, 2014-2018. 

Eastern Illinois University, Library Advisory Board Member, 2014-2016.

Textbook Lab Reviewer of Anatomical Kinesiology Textbook by Theresa Miyashita & Christine Odell, 2014. 

Eastern Illinois University, Online Portfolio Development Committee, Fall 2013-2014.

Eastern Illinois University, Enrollment Advisory Committee (CEPS representative) 2011-2013.

Mohnsen, B. & Mavi, H.F. Reviver for Racquet Sports Software, 2013

International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, Submission Reviewer, January 2011-2018.

International Journal of Human Sciences, Submission Reviewer, September 2009-2018.

"Technology Enhancement and Management" Team Grants Council Member Fall 2009- June 30, 2011.

15th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 23-26 June 2010, Antalya, Turkey, Organizing Committee Member.

Assistant Professor, Eastern Illinois University, Kinesiology and Sport Studies, August 2008-2013. 

Journal of Sport Sciences by Turkiye Klinikleri, Advisory Board Member, 2007-2018

Celal Bayar University, Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Publication Editor, 2007-2010.

Celal Bayar University, Institute of Health Sciences, Journal of Accumulation in Health, Editorial Board Member, Fall 2005-Fall 2009.   

Extracurricular Swimming Course Coordinator and Instructor, Summer 2005.

Celal Bayar University, Cultural Athletic Club, Administrative Board Member, Spring 2005-Fall 2008.   

Celal Bayar University, Physical Education and Sports Department, Foundations of Sport Education and Performance Symposium, 8-9 April 2005, Manisa, TURKEY, Organization Board Member. 

Extracurricular Swimming Course Coordinator and Instructor, Summer 2004.

Celal Bayar University’s Taekwondo Team Manager, Spring 2004.   

Assistant Professor, Celal Bayar University, Physical Education and Sports Department, April 2003- 2008.

Teaching assistant for PES 116S Beginning Tennis in HKLS department at Purdue University, Spring, 2003.

Teaching assistant for PES 114E Exercise and Fitness class in HKLS department at Purdue University, Fall, 2002.

Teaching assistant for PES 115L TaeKwonDo in HKLS department at Purdue University, Spring, 2002.

Teaching assistant for PES 115L TaeKwonDo in HKLS department at Purdue University, Fall, 2001.

Intramural Soccer Referee, Spring 2001.

Graduate Assistant for Rose Hulman Swimming Team, Fall 1996.

Taught English at Secondary School Level in Turkish School System, 1993-1995.

Practiced and taught TaeKwonDo at a private club, 1988-1992.


Mavi, H.F. (2017). Can we bring the gap between health and physical education? Issues, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 8(2), 62-64.

Mavi, H.F. (2017).  Should physical education and after-school sport be connected? Issues, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 88(1), 68-71.

Mavi, H.F. (2016). Should the physical educator be held accountable for student physical activity levels beyond physical education? Issues, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 87(6), 55-56. 

Mavi, H.F.(2013).  Should traditional sports, such as football and basketball, be excluded from high school physical education to make room for more lifelong physical activities? Issues, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 84(2),60-61.
Yildiz, Y., & Mavi, H.F. (2012).  Examination of secondary data to portray the status of sport tourism in Turkey.  South Asian Journal of Tourism Heritage, 5(2), 36-46.
Eniseler, N., Cagatay, S., Vurgun, H., &Mavi, H.F. (2012).  Isokinetic strength responses to season-long training and competition in Turkish elite Soccer Players, Journal of Human Kinetics, 31, 159-168. 

Dasdan Ada, E.N., Camliyer, H, Camliyer, H. Mavi, H.F., & Soyturk, M.  (2011). Relationship between perceived motivational climate and motivational orientations in physical education context: Review. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sports Science, 3(2), 86-91. 

Mavi, H.F., & Çetin, B. (2009).   Examination of book reading views and attitudes of physical education teacher candidates.  Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(1), 1-11. Online:  http://www.bayar.edu.tr/besbd/folders/2009C4S1p01-11.pdf

Çaml脛卤yer, H., Mavi, H.F., Da脜鸥dan, E.N., & Çaml脛卤yer, H. (2006). Using teaching styles and strategies related to multiple intelligences in physical education lesson implementations. Selçuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 8 (1-2), 60-69. 

Mavi, H.F.& Bereket, S. (2005).  Exercise and Allergic Reactions.  Turkish Journal of Accumulation in Health, for Celal Bayar University, Institute of Health Sciences, (1), 122-136. Online: http://www.bayar.edu.tr/~saglik/sagliktabirikim/1/SagliktaBirikim-1-F.Mavi-S.Bereket-p.122-136.pdf

Sharpe, T., So, H., Mavi, H.F., & Brown, S. (2002). Comparative effects of sequential behavior feedback and goal-setting across peer teaching and field-based practice teaching. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 21(3), 337-360.

Mavi, H.F., & Sharpe, T. (2000). Reviewing the literature on teacher and coach expectations with implications for future research and practice. The Physical Educator, 57(3), 161-168.

NON-PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (website material, Review papers, audio/video material development, etc.)

Mavi, H. F. (2018, March 19). Flexibility Rush. Retrieved May 10, 2020, from

Funding & Grants

91成人视频 Foundation FY19 Reddent Grant, titled "Improving physical fitness skills and knowledge of Graduate/Undergraduate Students", $1250

91成人视频 Foundation FY14 Redden Grants, titled “Improving Pre-service Teachers Swimming Skills”, $1433.50.
91成人视频 Foundation FY13 Redden Grants, titled “Improving Sports Skills and Knowledge of Pre-service Teachers”, $1180.00.
Fall 2012 Faculty Development Support Grants, $455. 
91成人视频 Foundation FY12 Redden Grants, for “Improving Assessment Competencies of Pre-service Teachers”, $1,452
91成人视频 Foundation FY12 Redden Grants, for “Improving Swimming Skills of Pre-service Teachers”, $414

Frequently Taught Courses

KSR 4320 Curriculum in Physical Education.
KSR 4470 Assessment in Physical Education
KSR 2101 Technique & Theory of Badminton, Tennis, and Pickleball
KSR 2400 Intro to Elementary P.E.
KSR 2450 Adapted Physical Education
KSR 5000  Research Methods in Kinesiology
KSR 5001 Statistics in Kinesiology KSR 4320 Curriculum in Physical Education
STA3970/STA5970 Study Abroad

Research & Creative Interests

Physical Activity, Welness, Fitness, Teaching Physical Education

Professional Affiliations

Shape America

IAHPERD, Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,

IOHSK, International Organization for Health, Sport and Kinesiology.