Jonathan Mattson
Introduction Course Syllabi Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests

Jonathan Mattson

Senior Instructor Office: 1741 - Buzzard Hall
Email: jkmattson@eiu.edu


Office Hours for Spring 2025:

M/W 1:00-2:00

TR 12:00-1:00

Jonathan is a full-time instructor in the School of Communication & Journalism with nearly a decade of experience in the broadcast industry. He has held several positions in media production and journalism, including news director, reporter, deejay, production engineer, and audio producer.

Jonathan continues his work in the media production field in his spare time, operating a verified YouTube channel with over  250,000 subscribers and has amassed more than 180 million views.

He has also competed in e-sports, including placing 2nd in an official Twitch Rivals tournament. Similarly, Jonathan has created sponsored video content for several major video game developers and publishers, including EA, Oculus, Ubisoft, NVIDIA, and Wargaming.net. 


CMN 2550

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CMN 2550

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CMN 3050

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Education & Training

2013 | Master of Arts, Communication Studies, Eastern Illinois University
Focus: Critical and Cultural Communication, Communication Pedagogy Option
Thesis: Video Game Cultivation: Sowing the Seeds of Consumer Behavior
Advisor: Dr. S.M.N. Walus

2008 | Bachelor of Arts, Electronic Media Production / German, Eastern Illinois University

Conference Presentations

Wilcox, C.D., Walus, S.M.N., & Mattson, J. (2023). The New Pirate TV: Examining the Remediation and Online Narrowcasting of Justin.tv in a New Media Environment. The Velvet Light Trap 91, 53-64. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/881098



Jonathan is currently working on a documentary following the unique journey of USS Razorback, a Balao-class submarine anchored in Little Rock, Arkansas. 

Previously a Volunteer Firefighter with the Salem Fire Protection District in Salem, Illinois. 

Frequently Taught Courses

CMN 3520: Audio Production & Voice Work II

CMN 2550: Audio Production & Voice Work I

CMN 3540: Production III

CMN 3050: Production II

CMN 3030: Promotional Communication

CMN 1310: Introduction to Speech Communication

Research & Creative Interests

New Media


Video Games

Social Influencer Marketing

Documentary Filmmaking