Dr. Kristin E. Brown
Professor Office: 2202 - Lantz ArenaPhone: 217-581-2215
Email: kebrown2@eiu.edu
Hello, I am originally from Waterloo, Illinois and have lived in Mattoon since 2008. I have been teaching at Eastern Illinois University since 2009 and came aboard full time in 2013. At 91成人视频, I get to enjoy my two passions in life; teaching and the business of sport. I am also a retired Athletic Trainer. I live in Mattoon with my wonderful husband Chris, and two children. I have an amazing 12 year old son, Landon and a beautiful 7 year old daughter Loralei. We also have a little rescue pup, Charlie Brown.
Office hours:
Fall 2024
Monday/ Wednesday: 10-11 AM,
Tuesday: 11-1 PM
or by appointment.
Education & Training
Ph.D. Curriculum, Instruction Media, Technology: Specialization Sport Management- Indiana State University
MS.Ed Physical Education: Specialization Exercise Science- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
BS.Ed Physical Education: Specialization in Athletic Training- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
AAS Physical Therapist Assistant- Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Brown, K.E. & Sawyer, T.H. (2013). Risk Management: Title IX Issue, Indiana AHPERD Journal, Spring/Summer, 42(2)
Brown, K.E. & Sawyer, T.H. (2013), Risk Management, Monopoly Issue, Indiana AHPERD Journal, Spring/Summer, 42(2)
Hernandez, J.P., Roever, K.E., & Seed, T. (2010). Cardiovascular responses to graded and acute lower body negative pressure. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 18(1).
Funding & Grants
Redden Grant 2023 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2022 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2021 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2020 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2019 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2018 Sport Industry Immersion Trip
Redden Grant 2017 Sport Industry Round Table
Redden Grant 2016 Sport Industry Round Table
Redden Grant 2015 Women in Sport Industry Round Table
Redden Grant 2015 Sport Industry Immersion Field Trips
Redden Grant 2014 Women in Sport Industry Round Table
Frequently Taught Courses
KSR 4327 Ethics in Sport
KSR 4328 Governance in Sport
KSR 4760 Sport Law
KSR 5010 Ethical Issues in Sport
KSR 5210 Administration in Intercollegiate Sports
KSR 5212 Finance in Sport
KSR 5214 Governance in Sports
KSR 5215 Legal Aspects in Sport
KSR 5710 Sociological Aspects of Sport in America
Research & Creative Interests
Sport & Recreation Management Curricula Mergers
Sport Management Curricula
Drug Testing in Athletics
Concussions in student athletes
Professional Affiliations
National Athletic Trainers Association
Illinois Athletic Trainers Association
Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association
North American Society for Sport Management
Indiana Association for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance