Mrs. Trina M. Becker
Professor; Director Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic; Co-Director 91成人视频 Autism Center Office: 2312 - Human ServicesPhone: 217-581-8497
Instructor since 2002 and tenured since 2010. Mrs. Becker is the Director of the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic. In addition, she supervises students in clinical practicum for CDS 4900 and 5900, as well as diagnostic practicum, CDS 5910. Mrs. Becker is an active member of the Illinois Speech-Language Hearing Association (ISHA), and currently serves as the Continuing Education Administrator of ISHA. Mrs. Becker teaches CDS 2100 Phonetics and Phonological Development, CDS 3100 Phonological Assessment and Remediation, CDS 4815 Augmentative and Alternative Communication, CDS 5905 Advanced Clinical Techniques and Methodology, CDS 5400 AAC for Beginning Communicators . She specializes in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and has done presentations at the local, state and national level on this topic. She has also co-chaired undergraduate and graduate research projects related to AAC. Previously, she worked full-time for a special education co-op providing speech-language therapy for children with special needs.
Education & Training
Conference Presentations
Presentations in the last 5 years
Becker, T. & Bergstrom, B. (2022, March-April)
AAC Communicator Profiles & Goal Continuum
62nd Annual Virtual Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
Virtual presentation
Becker, T. & Bergstrom, B. (2022, September)
Invited Speaker
AAC Communicator Profiles & Goal Continuum Part 1 & 2
Kansas State Annual Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
Manhattan, KS
Becker, T. & Tish, J. (2022, October)
AAC Solutions for Students Struggling to Communicate
EIASE Fall Institute
Charleston, IL
Becker, T. & Buchter, J. (2022, October)
ASD & AAC: The Classroom Teacher and the SLP
Eastern Illinois University Fall Autism Conference
Charleston, IL
Becker, T. & Bergstrom, B. (2023, February)
The Less Me and More We AAC Alliance
63rd Annual Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Rosemont, IL
Becker, T. (2023, February)
The Power of Words
63rd Annual Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Rosemont, IL
Becker, T. (2021, November)
Ultimate Guide to AAC in the Classroom
Hoopeston School District
Hoopeston, IL
Becker, T. (2021, November)
“The Ultimate Guide to AAC Goal Selection”
Eastern Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Virtual Presentation
Becker, T. and Bergstrom, B. (2021, October)
Invited Speakers
“Language Through Literacy in Children 0-5” (Part 1 & 2) Presented for the Going,
Giving, & Getting the Extra Mile Conference, Pontiac, IL
Becker, T. (2021, June)
“Home Sweet Home: Transitioning AAC to the Home Environment”
Live Webinar for
Becker, T. (2021, May)
“The Ultimate Guide to AAC Goal Selection”
Dupage County Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Virtual Presentation
Becker, T. (2021, April)
“The Ultimate Guide to AAC Goal Selection”
South Cook County Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Virtual Presentation
Becker, T. (2020, February)
“Building Blocks to Successful AAC Intervention”
Invited speaker
Route 66 Conference on Communication Disorders, University of Tulsa
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Becker, T. (2019, May)
“AAC Case Studies”
Live Webinar for
Becker, T. (2019, April)
“Strengthening Students’ Vocabulary for Powerful Communication”
Live Webinar for
Becker, T. (2018, September)
“Writing Goals to Facilitate Success with AAC”
Live Webinar for
Becker, T. (2018, September)
“Stages of Development in AAC competence”
Live Webinar for
Scott, C.G., Becker, T.M., & Simpson, K. O. (2017). The Effect of Real-Time Feedback Using a Smartwatch on the Clinical Behavior of Novice Student Clinicians. Perspectives ASHA Sigs, 2 (SIG 11), 79-90 doi: 10.1044/persp2.SIG11.79
Funding & Grants
The TAP Grant from the State of Illinois
Frequently Taught Courses
CDS 2000 – Introduction to Communication Disorders
CDS 2100 - Phonetics and Phonological Development
CDS 3100 - Phonological Assessment and Remediation
CDS 4815 – Augmentative and Alternative Communication
CDS 4900 – Undergraduate Clinical Practicum
CDS 5400 - Working with Families in Early Intervention
CDS 5400 - AAC for Beginning Communicators
CDS 5905 - Advanced Clinical Techniques and Methodology
CDS 5900 – Graduate Clinical Practicum
CDS 5910 – Graduate Diagnostic Practicum
Research & Creative Interests
Professional Affiliations
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association
East Central Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association