Dr. Zhiqing Yan
Introduction My 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Story Education & Training Conference Presentations Community Publications Funding & Grants Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Professional Affiliations

Dr. Zhiqing Yan

Associate Professor - Organic Chemistry Office: 4420 - Physical Sciences
Phone: 217-581-2521
Email: zyan@eiu.edu




My 91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ Story



Education & Training

B.Sc., Fudan University (China), 1995
Ph.D., Miami University (Ohio), 2004
91³ÉÈËÊÓƵ, 2007


Conference Presentations







Zhiqing Yan, Shijing Xia, Matthew Gardlik, Wanji Seo, Veselin Maslak, Judith Gallucci, and Jovica D. Badjić, “Silver(I) mediated folding of a molecular basket,” Org. Lett. 2007, 9(12), 2301-2304.

Zhiqing Yan, Yuning Chang, Dennis Mayo, Veselin Maslak, Shijing Xia, and Jovica D. Badjić, “Allosteric regulation of the conformational dynamics of a cavitand receptor,” Org. Lett. 2006, 8(17), 3697-3700.

Veselin Maslak, Zhiqing Yan, Shijing Xia, Judith Gallucci, Christopher M. Hadad, and Jovica D. Badjić, “Design, synthesis and conformational dynamics of a gated molecular basket,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 5887-5894.

Veselin Maslak, Zhiqing Yan, and Jovica D. Badjić, “Trifluorovinyllithium” In “Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis,” John Wiley and Sons Ltd., UK, 2005.


Funding & Grants



Frequently Taught Courses

CHM 1410 - General Chemistry II
CHM 2430 - Survey of Organic Chemistry
CHM 2435 - Survey of Organic Chemistry Lab
CHM 2440 - Organic Chemistry I
CHM 2445 - Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM 2840 - Organic Chemistry II
CHM 2845 - Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHM 5050 - Organic Chemistry for Natural Science Teachers


Research & Creative Interests

Supramolecular Chemistry, Self-Assembly, Templates in Chemistry, Molecular Recognition

Our current research attempts are the preparation of host molecules with a cavity and their ability of encapsulation and release of smaller guests could be controlled by an external input toward design of controllable chemical delivery agents, devices and sensors. By using a combination of hydrogen bonding, aromatic stacking, and coordination, etc., we expect to produce stable host-guest complexes with predictable chemical properties.

It is essential in supramolecular chemistry to have a deep understanding upon molecular recognition, to study the traficking of substrates, then to study the effects of encapsulation toward chemical reactivity and selectivity.


Professional Affiliations