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Reviewing your notes also allows you to learn the material little by little, therefore decreasing the likelihood of having to cram the night before an exam. 3. Form study groups Participating in a study group allows you to gain several perspectives about the material. Long reading assignments can be cut down when assignments are divided up and everyone receives notes about the reading. Other students may also have different techniques for memorizing the material which may allow you to better retain the information. 4. Take advantage of extra credit opportunities Extra credit is an easy way to boost your grade. Remember there is no penalty for the wrong answer. 5. Talk to your professor if you are struggling. Professors are not mind readers. If you are having difficulty in a class do not be afraid to make an appointment with him or her during his or her office hours. In many cases professors will provide additional instruction or connect you with tutoring resources. If a professor knows that you are making an effort, he or she may even boost your grade if you are at a border line. 6. Take notes while in class Although it may be tempting, class is not the time to be facebook stalking your friends, or checking your e-mail. Taking notes in class allows you to have a rough study guide for tests. It also gives you an indication as to whether or not you understood the reading. 7. Take advantage of outside resources If you are struggling with a class, take advantage of tutoring sessions and other departments such as the writing center which can provide additional support. 8. Find time to relieve stress Although you are a student first, it is just as important to take time out for yourself. Hang out with friends, work out, go for a walk, etc. Taking study breaks is as equally important. Doing so allows you to relieve stress in a healthy manner, thereby maintaining a strong immune system and overall level of mental health. 9. Get proper sleep Every student needs at least seven to ten hours of sleep a night. The amount of sleep required varies according to each person. Sleep provides a way for your brain to replenish itself and ensures that you can concentrate. 10. Time management Be aware of how you are spending your time. Allow time for relaxation, meals, homework, class and studying. By becoming aware of how you are spending your time you can decrease any time that is being wasted. Remember there are only 24 hours in a day, make the most out of the time you are given.     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