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91成人视频 Office of Accessibility and Accommodations

91成人视频 McAfee Gym

In conjunction with the overall mission of 91成人视频, Accessibility and Accommodations is committed to facilitating the provision of equal access and opportunity to all campus programs and services for students with disabilities.

Accessibility and Accommodations at Eastern Illinois University offers a variety of services for students with documented disabilities, collaborating with such students to determine reasonable classroom accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services that are individualized and based upon disability documentation, functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of needs. Students are encouraged to use advocacy skills to facilitate the provision of authorized accommodations specific to class needs and personal preference. Eastern may not be able to meet all personal preference requests but does provide reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services pertaining to housing and academics.

Note: Eastern does not provide personal assistance or equipment, i.e. homework assistance, typing, personal laptops, or personal aids, etc. This office does not accommodate for campus architecture/access (we are happy to note concerns and send those concerns to facilities).



The Testing Accommodation Center (TAC) housed in Testing and Evaluation Operations accepts faculty requests for students with test accommodations. If a student in your class has talked to you about a testing accommodation and given you a letter from our office, you may want to ask us to proctor exams and provide testing accommodations. Faculty requests can be submitted from the Testing Accommodation Center page. Questions may be directed to our office at (217)-581-6583.





Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society

Delta Alpha Pi Logo

Delta Alpha Pi

International Honor Society

Gamma Psi Chapter-Eastern Illinois University

Founded at Eastern Illinois University on Dec. 2, 2014

Honor Society History: founded in 2004 at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania and is open to undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities.

Purpose of Organization: presents an opportunity to change the perception of students with disabilities by recognizing their academic accomplishments. In addition, this honor society facilitates development of skills in leadership, advocacy, and education for participating students.

Membership Criteria:

All students must:

  • Present with a documented disability and work with one of the faculty or staff members in Accessibility and Accommodations
  • Demonstrate an interest in disability issues
  • Undergraduate students must have:
    • Completed a minimum of 24 credit hours
    • Earned an overall GPA of 3.1 on a 4.0 scale
  • Graduate students must have:
    • Completed a minimum of 18 credit hours
    • Earned an overall GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale



91成人视频's programs, resources, and facilities are available to all students regardless of race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity. Discrimination precluded by federal and state statutes is strictly prohibited.

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Contact Information

Accessibility and Accommodations

McAfee Gym, Room 1336
Fax: 217-581-7208


Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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