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"Age? Roles? Years out of school?1Needs of Traditional and Non-Traditional Students22( Traditional:  Non-traditional: %Need for Academic Advising/Counseling&&( Need for Support Services Need for Integration Services $Need with regard to Delivery Systems%%( Nontraditional Student Services (Understanding Adult Transitions (1.Situation is the situation perceived as positive, negative, expected, unexpected, desired, undesired? 2.Self does the person have experiences with a similar transition; believe there are options; have no problem with ambiguity? Understanding Adult Transitions (3. Supports both physical (financial assets) and emotional (support from family and friends). 4. Strategies uses a variety of methods for dealing with the transition: change the situation; change the meaning of the situation; manage stress * The Need to Matter :Attention Importance Dependence Ego-extension Appreciation/ !"#$% & ' ( ) *+,-8  0` 33PP` 13` 3333` Q_{` 333fpKNāvI` j@v۩ῑ΂H>?" dd@,?n<d@ `7 `2@`7``2 n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> Z R   (    <l" @   Td" @   <8"U_ @   T̛d">& @   Nl"P @   <"p @   C x?d?"bUv @   < #" `   T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0D "   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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