Approved: September 21, 1988
Nomenclature changes: December 13, 2001
Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs
Travel advances are permitted only for student group travel expenses for an approved activity of the University. Such advances may include the travel expenses of University personnel who are required to accompany the students as a part of their University responsibility.
Travel advances may be made only to University employees. Any individual receiving a student group travel advance is personally responsible for the money advanced until it is appropriately accounted for and/or returned. The recipient of an advance is liable for expenditures in excessive amounts or unauthorized or non-allowable purposes and for any loss, such as by theft or accidental loss.
The recipient of the advance must return, or properly account for, the funds within ten work days of the termination of the travel or before a final paycheck is provided, whichever comes first. Failure to return funds or to provide appropriate accounting of the funds may result in a payroll deduction of the funds due from the salary of the individual, or implementation of other appropriate methods of collection.
Allowable expenditure of travel advances shall be limited to the purposes and maximum amounts specified by the and are described in the Travel Section of the University Processes Guide.
Procedures for requesting travel advances and for accounting for the expenditure or return of those funds are described in the Travel Section of the University Processes Guide.