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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#138.1 - Posting and Distribution of Materials

Approved: July 27, 2020

Nomenclature changes: August 28, 2023

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

No announcements, advertising, signs or printed matter may be placed on the interior or exterior walls, windows, or doors of any building (except in residences as permitted by Office of University Housing and Dining policy, in individual offices, or on designated posting areas), on trees, lampposts, trash containers, fences, sidewalks, grounds or equipment of the University. Advertising on parked vehicles, without prior written permission from the Campus Scheduling Office, is prohibited.

Sidewalks and Doudna Mellin Steps:

The University and Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) may only chalk on sidewalks and the Doudna Mellin steps to promote on-campus co-curricular activities and other sponsored events. The University reserves the right to clean sidewalks on a regular basis. For all other chalk messaging, see section on Free Speech Zone.

Bulletin Boards:

Bulletin boards are maintained by the University for academic use, for University business, or for other authorized purposes. The privilege of using such facilities for the promotion of co-curricular activities, for other events of interest to the University community, or for commercial purposes, is provided on a space available basis, subject to the following limitations and restrictions:

A. Promotion of on-campus co-curricular activities or other events:

With advance approval from the Campus Scheduling Office, RSOs and off-campus public service organizations may post items which promote on-campus co-curricular activities or other events of educational or public service interest to the University community, provided that unrestricted bulletin boards are used in accordance with this policy. A list of boards available for such purposes is available from the Campus Scheduling Office.

Postings must include the name of the primary sponsoring department, RSO, or other entity permitted to post on campus. Postings are limited to one per board, should not exceed 11"x 27", and are not to be placed over other current posters. Standard desktop staples, thumb tacks, or push pins are to be used; the use of tape or commercial staple guns is prohibited.

Posted materials will normally be removed within 30 days or after the event or activity. The use and placement of sandwich boards or other signs are subject to prior approval by the Campus Scheduling Office.

B. Promotion of commercial products, services, organizations, or off-campus businesses

Posting of commercial advertising materials and products must receive advance approval from the Campus Scheduling Office. Materials are restricted to specified bulletin boards in limited locations, a list of which is available from the Campus Scheduling Office.

University bulletin boards may not be used to publicize events or activities which are unlawful or in violation of the Student Conduct Code.

Free Speech Zone:

Distribution of commercial and non-commercial handout materials is permitted in the Free Speech Zone (Library Quad, including Doudna Mellin steps) and is subject to time, place, and manner restrictions. Free speech chalk messaging is allowed in the Free Speech Zone (Library Quad), including the Doudna Mellin Steps and sidewalks within. The University and RSOs may reserve the Free Speech Zone for co-curricular activities and other sponsored events.

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