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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#161.1 - Use of Motor Vehicle Reports

Approved: January 22, 2024

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

This policy applies to drivers of University-owned or courtesy vehicles; it does not apply to employees' personal vehicles.

Human Resources will request motor vehicle reports (MVR) for all regular drivers prior to employment and at least once every three years. A regular driver is someone whose position requires a driver's license and drives a vehicle three or more days a week on average.

The University does not allow employees to drive University-owned or courtesy vehicles without a valid driver's license. If an MVR discloses a significant issue during the period covered by the MVR, such as suspension of the driver's license, conviction of driving under the influence, or multiple accidents, the employee may be restricted from driving University vehicles, which may result in termination or non-selection on the basis of not meeting the requirements of the position. The dean or director may prepare a rationale whether the University should allow the employee to continue driving University vehicles. That rationale will be submitted to the appropriate vice president for his/her decision. For areas reporting directly to the University's President, the Vice President for Business Affairs will serve as the appropriate vice president. If the employee chooses to contest the vice president's decision, the decision can be appealed to the University President. Once completed, all rationale forms and the MVR should be scanned and emailed to the Vice President for Business Affairs' Office.

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