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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#167 - Keys

Approved: January 7, 2020

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

Keys are University property and are issued for the purpose of conducting University business. Keys shall be issued only to persons who have the authorization of the appropriate supervisor, in accordance with established procedures. All keys are issued by Facilities Planning and Management.

Types of Keys:

Controlled Keys are keys which open buildings, offices, and controlled security areas. There are two categories of controlled keys:

  • Operating Keys operate one door or lock (office, laboratory or other work space).
  • Master Keys operate locks for more than one operating key. There may be several levels of master keys to minimize key assignments to authorized individuals.

Non-Controlled Keys are those which typically unlock file cabinets, desks, and display cabinets. These are not controlled but may be obtained from Facilities Planning and Management on request.

Authorization Requirements:

Authorization is required for issuance of controlled keys. The following schedule describes the necessary authorization for a given controlled key.


Authorization(s) required

Grand Master

Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of Facilities Planning and Management

Building or College Master

Academic Dean or Administrative Director for buildings or areas under their primary control; appropriate vice president for buildings under multiple dean or administrative director; Vice President for Business Affairs for buildings under multiple vice presidents

All Other Controlled Keys

Department Head

Issuance of Keys:

Keys shall be issued in person only, except keys issued to students (see IGP #143), by Facilities Planning and Management as authorized by a completed Key Request Form, and must be signed for by the person to whom keys are assigned. Individuals who duplicate keys or lend keys to others may be subject to disciplinary action.

Controlled keys must be obtained directly from the Facilities Planning and Management Central Stores office, as authorized by a completed Key Request Form. Graduate assistants may be issued keys in the same manner as faculty and staff. Issuance of keys to graduate assistants must conform with the University Facilities and Grounds Use Policy.

Non-controlled keys may be obtained directly from the Facilities Planning and Management Central Stores office by request.

Outside contractors may check out keys from Facilities Planning and Management when such keys are necessary for completing authorized work. Such keys must be returned at the end of each day's work.

Key holders are responsible for University keys in their possession, including all associated costs to maintain security in the event a key assigned to them is lost. Facilities Planning and Management shall maintain a schedule of costs necessary to maintain security and shall make these costs known to key holders on request.

All keys to residence halls shall be issued only as authorized by the Office of University Housing.

All keys to the University Union shall be issued only as authorized by the Director, University Union.

Transfer of Keys:

The transfer of controlled keys between employees or between departments and employees is not permitted. All assignment of controlled keys shall be through Facilities Planning and Management.

Lost Keys:

The loss or theft of any key shall be reported immediately to the keyholder's supervisor, Facilities Planning and Management, and the University Police Department. Replacement of lost, misplaced, or stolen keys will be made in accordance with procedures for original issue.

Individuals shall be assessed replacement charges for lost controlled keys.

Return of Keys:

All keys must be accounted for upon change in employment status, either by returning the issued key(s) or by paying the lost key charge as specified above.

It is the responsibility of the keyholder and the administrator who authorized issuance of the key(s) to ensure that all controlled keys are returned to Facilities Planning and Management upon the keyholder's transfer to another department, termination of employment, or change of assignment which makes it unnecessary for the keyholder to have certain keys, or upon the request of the area Vice President, Dean, Department Head, or University Police.

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