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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#168 - Labor Union Solicitation

Approved: July 30, 1997

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs


The following guidelines are issued by Eastern Illinois University to inform employees, non-employee union representatives, and other interested persons of the conditions applicable to union solicitation on University property.


  1. Union Solicitation - Union solicitation is any communication by or on behalf of a labor organization seeking recognition as the exclusive representative of employees.
  2. Non-Work Areas - Campus non-work areas are limited to parking lots, sidewalks, and public forums.
  3. Non-Work Time - Non-work time is limited to periods of time before and after the employee's daily work schedule, as well as authorized lunch periods and authorized rest breaks during an employee's daily work schedule.


  1. Employees may conduct union solicitation only when both the employee who is soliciting and the employee who is being solicited are on non-work time.
  2. Non-employee union representatives may conduct union solicitation only in non-work areas and only when the employee being solicited is on non-work time.
  3. Employees and non-employee union representatives may distribute union literature only in non-work areas and only during non-work time for any employee distributing or receiving such literature.
  4. Posting of union literature shall be permitted on University bulletin boards normally accessible to employees and used for the posting of employee information in accordance with University policies concerning the use of such bulletin boards and provided that such union literature is not defamatory.
  5. Non-employee union representatives who enter the campus for the purpose of union solicitation or literature distribution must notify the personnel office of their presence and the times and places that they intend to solicit or distribute union literature.
  6. Union solicitation and literature distribution must be conducted at a time and place and in a manner which does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, cause littering, or otherwise interfere with University operations. Permission to conduct union solicitation and literature distribution may be denied by an authorized University representative at any time if such solicitation or literature distribution would or does obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, cause littering, or otherwise interfere with University operations.
  7. Union solicitation and literature distribution by employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall be governed by the terms of that agreement.

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