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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#31.1 - Employment Actions - Administrative Employees (Non-Negotiated)

Approved: October 1, 2012

Monitor: President

The University subscribes to the principle of progressive discipline to correct employee conduct. The University reserves the right to implement sanctions including immediate suspension without pay and termination if warranted by the circumstances.

The appropriate forms of disciplinary action ordinarily include:

Oral Reprimand

Oral reprimand involves a discussion between the supervisor and the employee regarding the infraction with an emphasis on correcting the employee's behavior. A confirmation of an oral reprimand may be kept in the employee's personnel file.

Written Reprimand

For more serious or repeated cases, the supervisor may counsel the employee as to the correct and expected behavior as well as record the circumstances of the violation in memorandum form by giving the original to the employee and placing a copy in the employee's personnel file.


The suspension of an employee shall be based on the recommendations of the supervisor which shall be referred to the Office of Employee and Labor Relations.

Termination for Cause

An employee may be terminated for cause when less severe actions fail in correcting an employee's behavior, or when the offense requires immediate separation from employment.

Termination may be effected at any time for adequate cause after notice to the employee and an opportunity to be heard. "Adequate cause" means one or more acts or omissions which, singly or in the aggregate, have directly and substantially affected or impaired an employee's performance or fulfillment of his/her duties.

The termination process shall be initiated by the University President and notice of termination shall be made in writing to the employee. The employee may submit a written response within fourteen calendar days. In addition, the employee may request a meeting with the appropriate vice-president subject to the approval of the vice-president. After a written response is received or after a meeting with the vice-president occurs, a decision will be rendered within fourteen calendar days. If a decision is made to terminate employment, the employee may appeal the decision to the President within fourteen calendar days of notification. The decision of the President is final.

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