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91成人视频 Office of Internal Auditing

#81 - Student-Faculty Boards Operating Bylaws and General Provisions

Approved: July 16, 1997

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

The Student-Faculty Boards are basically policy-forming bodies. All policies shall be in alignment with University and Board of Trustees policies and discussed with the proper University officials. They may consider recommendations from any source for revision of policies and forward their proposed revisions to the proper University officials. The Boards should also promote cooperation among common areas of the University community. Members should have an interest in the areas of responsibility of the Board.

Nominations and Appointments

  1. The Student Body President, after consultation with the executive branch of student government, shall submit a list of faculty nominees to the chair of the nominations committee of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate shall then appoint faculty members to the various Boards.
  2. The Student Body President, after consultation with the executive branch of student government, shall appoint student members and chairs to the various Boards, subject to approval by Student Senate. The Student Body Financial Vice President shall be the chair of the Apportionment Board. These bylaws also apply to replacement appointments when vacancies occur.
  3. If a faculty member is on leave of absence for an extended period, the student Executive Vice President shall request the Faculty Senate to make an alternate or permanent appointment. Alternate members shall attend all meetings of the Board and shall become voting members if the regular member is not present.
  4. All activity advisors shall be non-voting ex-officio members of their respective Boards. In addition, principal employees (editors, managers) shall also be non-voting ex-officio members of their Boards.

Appointment Dates and Terms

  1. Student appointments shall be made no later than September 10 of each year and shall be for one year, effective immediately following approval by the Student Senate. Student appointments to the Apportionment Board shall be for two years and shall terminate following participation in the second annual budgeting session.
  2. Faculty appointments shall be made no later than September 17 of each year and shall be for two years, effective immediately following approval by the Faculty Senate.
  3. If a Student Senator serves as a Board chair, no other Student Senator shall serve on that Board.
  4. No more than two Student Senators shall serve as voting members of any student-faculty Board.
  5. If a Board's membership is not in accordance with the above regulations, the Senator(s) with the least Board tenure shall be removed.

Quorum and Presiding Officers

A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting membership unless a greater number is stipulated. The student chair shall preside over all meetings. Student and faculty co-chairs shall call meetings and prepare agendas jointly.

Duties of Board Officers

  1. The chair shall send meeting notices and agendas to each Board member, including ex-officio members, and retain minutes of all meetings.
  2. A Board secretary shall be elected at the first meeting. The secretary shall prepare minutes of all meetings and send copies to each Board member, the Student Body President, the Faculty Senate Chair, the Speaker of the Student Senate and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Board Accountability

  1. Each Board chair shall be responsible to the Student Body Executive Vice President for the Board's operation.
  2. Within the appointment process, all student members shall be required to appear before the Student Senate Legislative Leadership Committee and reappear to evaluate their performance if deemed necessary by the Executive Vice President. The committee and executive branch shall take any recommendations concerning retention and removal to the Student Senate.
  3. The Executive Vice President shall meet with the chair at least twice each semester to discuss Board operations.

Attendance at Meetings

Each member shall attend all meetings of the Board. If a member cannot attend a meeting, a request for an excused absence shall be made to the chair. Two unexcused absences shall be cause for immediate removal.

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