Another phone number where we might be able to reach you if needed.
Do you have a phone in your office? If so, please bring it to the BIO office. It is now obsolete and does not work. *
The new 'phonelines' are attached to your TEAMS account and calls are taken using your computer and a TEAMS voice number.
Would you like a TEAMS voice number so that you can take calls from students and others? *
If yes, do you want voicemail on your TEAMS voice account? *
This is always needed for contracts, when making flight reservations, and for other purposes of office use.
Is it ok to share the phone numbers above with others in the department? *
If you chose not to share your phone number, it will be used only for departmental use and available only to Canam, Britto, and Marschelle.
If non, just type 'N/A'
This is to update the faculty research interests that is provided to the public on th 91成人视频 website.
The information in this section is for emergency use only and will not be shared with others. The information is saved in a private server viewable only by Tom, Britto, and Marschelle.
It is actually much needed and has been used for emergency issues in the past.