Please provide complete information so that your request can be addressed. Anticipate that it may take two to three business days before you receive a response. Requests will be evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis for each class. You will be emailed (at the email you provide below) when your class add request has been evaluated.
This request form applies only to School of Business classes with course prefixes ACC, BUS, ENT, FIN, MAR, MBA, MGT, OSC, or MIS. You can submit up to two class add requests at a time.
Please DO NOT request to be added to non-School of Business classes through this system; contact the offering departments directly. Requests for non-Business School courses are automatically declined because I do have the authority to impact other courses outside of the School of Business. I do NOT forward them.
For which semester is your request: *
Will this be your first semester at 91成人视频 (i.e., transfer or newly arriving to our campus)? *
Maximum of 20 allowed. Currently Entered: 0 .
Maximum of 50 allowed. Currently Entered: 0 .
Course Request Information: Course 1
I meet the prerequisites required of this course or am currently completing them this semester
Please provide the section number and CRN (Course Registration Number) from PAWS.
If multiple sections are available, providing your 1st and 2nd choices enhances the chance that you will be added to a section of the class that fits your schedule.
Course Request Information: Course 2
I meet the prerequisites required of this course or am currently completing them this semester
Please provide the section number and CRN (Course Registration Number) from PAWS.
If multiple sections are available, providing your 1st and 2nd choices enhances the chance that you will be added to a section of the class that fits your schedule.
Student is an Athlete