College of Health & Human Services: Request to Participate in Commencement by Exceptionality Form

College of Health & Human Services: Request to Participate in Commencement by Exceptionality Form

REQUESTS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED FOR CURRENT TERM. See posted deadlines: /registra/graduation.php.

Please contact Janet Fopay (jlfopay@eiu.edu or 217-581-6674) if you have any questions about completing this form.

Guidelines for commencement by exceptionality requests:

**Students Requesting to Participate in Spring Commencement by Exceptionality:
• Must have applied to graduate in the summer term and able to complete all degree requirements in the summer,
• Must have applied to graduate in the fall term and, after spring semester, have student teaching, internship, or practicum as their only remaining requirement to complete in the fall.

**Students Requesting to Participate in Fall Commencement by Exceptionality:
• Must have applied to graduate in the spring term and only have student teaching, internship, or practicum remaining to complete in the spring.

NOTE: If your request is approved, you will be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony. However, that does not indicate you have completed all degree requirements.