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With the completion of the survey Sanders and Moock began to develop a CORE Strategy for Non-Registered Students and Process. They disseminated this handout to the committee describing these strategies and processes. The purpose and strategy will accomplish three things: To encourage students that are eligible to register. 2.) CORE is provided with data about why students are not registering for following term when eligible. 3.) Aid students in removing their holds. Discussion followed. The process in aiding the strategy will have eight steps. Discussion followed. The email of what the Registration Email would say to students who had not registered by a certain date and the 91Ƶ Enrollment Intention-Spring 2010-Online Report was also handed out with discussion following. Financially At-Risk Students Sanders and Moock reported they had a meeting with Financial Aid Director Jerry Donna. Some of the topics discussed were: What is the role of financial aid in the retention puzzle? Are there things 91Ƶ can do to help students with financial issues? What resources does the University have available to the student? Discussion followed. Academically At-Risk Student Project Sanders disseminated the following handouts with discussion following: C.O.R.E. Academic At-Risk File-Download At-Risk Student Business Process Analysis Sp10 Midterm Grade Report Data File Sanders disseminated the following handouts with discussion following: C.O.R.E. Successful Student Reports C.O.R.E. Flat Data File Items Next Steps Work breakdown: Analyze data Future Meetings CORE will meet a couple times in the summer with available members. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. ~Minutes submitted by Kimberly Sweeney, Recording Secretary COMMITTEE ON RETENTION EFFORTS Meeting Minutes April 2, 2010     I + , . 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