TRIO Student Mentee Survey
TRIO Student Mentee Survey
Your Name:
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Today's Date:
Today's Date:
Name of Mentor:
Name of Mentor:
Length of time with Mentor:
Choose the appropriate response to each of the following questions.
Do you feel your Mentor helped you in any way?
Choose the appropriate response to each of the following questions.
Do you feel your Mentor helped you in any way?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Did you reach your desired outcomes with your Mentor?
Did you reach your desired outcomes with your Mentor?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Did your Mentor actively participate?
Did your Mentor actively participate?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Were you available to meet with your Mentor on a regular basis?
Were you available to meet with your Mentor on a regular basis?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Do you feel you and your Mentor were a good match?
Do you feel you and your Mentor were a good match?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Do you feel you developed a good relationship with your Mentor?
Do you feel you developed a good relationship with your Mentor?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Do you feel the mentoring program helps students acquire the skills and resources needed to succeed as scholars and professionals?
Do you feel the mentoring program helps students acquire the skills and resources needed to succeed as scholars and professionals?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Are you willing to be a Mentee again next year?
Are you willing to be a Mentee again next year?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Would you like the same Mentor again next year?
Would you like the same Mentor again next year?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
Do you feel your Mentor provided feedback in a positive manner?
Do you feel your Mentor provided feedback in a positive manner?
Strongly Agree
Agree or Yes
Disagree or No
Strongly Disagree
Not Applicable
What are some activities you did with your Mentor?
What would you do differently with your Mentor? Or; What accomplishments are you most proud of?
List ideas you have for community service projects that Mentors and Mentees could do for two or as a TRIO group project?
Is there anything you could have done to make the mentoring program work better for you?
Additional comments you wish to make concerning your Mentor and the TRIO/SSS Professional/Peer Mentoring Program.