Complete this form to submit your English Studies Camp for High School Students application material. Applications and supporting material are due by May 1. All acceptance notifications and camp correspondence will be sent electronically to the email used on this camp application.
(Enter 2-Digit Month, 2-Digit Date, and 4-Digit Year with no dashes in between. Ex: Nov. 4, 1999 is entered as 11041999)
S1 - Jane Austen for the Modern Audience S2 - Exploring Folklore & Legends of US & IL S3 - Matters of Mental Health S4 - The Ekphrastic Fantastic S5 - Film as Literature S6 – Speak Poet, Speak! S7 – From Passion to Farewell to Cupid's Arrow S8 – Digital Editions: Research Time Travelers!
Please submit a 1-page essay that discusses your interest in this summer camp and/or the individual sessions you are applying to participate in. Application statements are required for all scholarship applicants but optional for regular applicants. (Statements may influence session placement.)
Applications and supporting material are due by May 1. Note: All acceptance notifications and camp correspondence will be sent electronically to the email used on this camp application.