Number | Requestor | Type of Records Sought | Correspondence | Approved, Denied, Approved in part |
12-1 | Gardner, Kyla | Freshman student Fall FY11 information | Request | Approved |
12-2 | McNamee, Alex | Employment contracts for specific individuals | Request | Approved |
12-3 | Weinfuss, Josh | NCAA Equity Report, specific employment contracts and outside income reports | Request | Approved |
12-4 | Franklin, Michael | Fall FY11 grade distributions | Request | Approved |
12-5 | Toeppen, Dennis | Verizon contract, invoices and correspondence from 2005-present | Request | Partially approved |
12-6 | Cohen, Kevin | NCAA report, various coach employment contracts, audited financial statements | Request | Approved |
12-7 | Franklin, Michael | Section enrollment count for all formal courses | Request | Approved |
12-8 | McGrath, Melody | Waste hauling contract and effective dates | Request | Approved |
12-9 | Wilmore, Michael | Specific employment contracts | Request | Approved |
12-10 | Allen, Kirk | Information on State Representative 91成人视频 teaching salary | Request | Approved |
12-11 | Kaepplinger, Kelly | Police report | Request | Denied |
12-12 | Beck, Dave | Tuition waivers | Request | Partially approved |
12-13 | Meeker, Herb | Employment records of Roger Eddy | Request | Approved |
12-14 | Kamara, Festus | Employment contracts for men's basketball coaches | Request | Approved |
12-15 | Durkin, Erin | 2005 NCAA report | Request | Approved |
12-16 | Bleymaier, Joe | Athletic squad lists etc. | Request | Partially approved |
12-17 | Smyser, Katy | IACUC records for use of dogs/cats in research | Request | Denied |
12-18 | Smyser, Katy | Records for purchase of deceased cats | Request | Approved |
12-19 | Rose, Christina | Undergraduate/Graduate student directory information | Request | Denied |
12-20 | Lorton, Clint | Information re: 91成人视频 Sports Complex renovations | Request | Partially approved |
12-21 | Jones, Max | Residence halls or apartments | Request | Denied |
12-22 | Jones, Max | Student information on another person | Request | Denied |
12-23 | Jones, Max | Student information on another person | Request | Denied |
12-24 | Hall, Erik | Total fees collected on parking meters | Request | Approved |
12-25 | Ogunbodede, Nike | University Board concert contracts | Request | Partially approved |
12-26 | Kolisek, Jake | Men's head basketball coach contract | Request | Approved |
12-27 | Fowler, Michael | 2011 Financial Audit Report | Request | Approved |
12-28 | Moriarty, Richard Briles | Documents from a research study | Request | Denied |
12-29 | Renzetti, Dominic | Employment contracts for head men's and women's basketball coaches | Request | Approved |
12-30 | Pepperdine, Don | List of full and part-time employees and salaries/hourly wages | Request | Approved |
12-31 | Apfelbaum, Larry | Information re: chemical spraying | Request | Approved |
12-32 | Niebrugge, Cory | Bid documents - BH-012301 | Request | Approved |
12-33 | Heerema, Ryan | Police Report | Request | Partially approved |
12-34 | Cohen, Kevin | Central, AR non-conf football game contract; head men's basketball coach contract | Request | Approved |
12-35 | Swing, Kelsey | Fire protection monies paid to City of Charleston | Request | Approved |
12-36 | Bagwell, Rick | Monthly salary of an employee | Request | Approved |
12-37 | Lappe, Johnny | Employer electronic checkbook | Request | Approved |
12-38 | Giltner, Keith | Bid responses and pricing | Request | Partially approved |
12-39 | Rose, Christina | Student information | Request | Denied |
12-40 | McCraney, Patrick | Social media agreements | Request | Denied |
12-41 | Bagwell, Rick | Monthly payroll data of an employee | Request | Approved |
12-42 | Kim, Jana I. | Athletic employment contracts | Request | Approved |
12-43 | Byron, Matthew | Head men's basketball coach contract | Request | Approved |
12-44 | Yeung, John | Student information | Request | Denied |
12-45 | Lattinville, Robert | Athletic employment contract | Request | Approved |
12-46 | Lawhead, Doug | Employee salaries | Request | Approved |
12-47 | Cohen, Jodi | Employee salaries | Request | Partially approved |
12-48 | Smith, Steve | Head football coach contract | Request | Approved |
12-49 | Hughes, Barb | Ameren invoices | Request | Approved |
12-50 | Keilman, John | Athletic scholarship information | Request | Approved |
12-51 | Folmar, Kelsey | Spring 2012 grades distribution | Request | Approved |
12-52 | Guydan, Jan | Voter registration information | Request | Approved |
12-53 | Lanier, Valerie | Student information | Request | Approved |
12-54 | Plunkett, Michael | Athletic staff employment contracts and salary information | Request | Approved |
12-55 | Fye, Jeanine | Employee salaries | Request | Partially approved |
12-56 | Glosser, John | Snack vending agreement | Request | Approved |
12-57 | Ogunbodede, Nike | University Board's current concert budget and artist agreement | Request | Approved |
12-58 | Nagan, Jacob | Police Report | Request | Partially Approved |
12-59 | Comforte, Kristina | Head men's basketball coach contract | Request | Approved |
12-60 | Hill, Toni | Capital and operating expenditures over $10,000 for FY12 | Request | Approved |
12-61 | Bartz, David | Job description and desk audit on an employee | Request | Approved |
12-62 | Folmar, Kelsey | Student directory information | Request | Approved |
12-63 | Cohen, Kevin | Athletic employment contracts, sports camp income, other agreements | Request | Approved |
12-64 | Held, Steve | Student directory information | Request | Partially Approved |
12-65 | Byrd, David | Workforce employment data | Request | Approved |
12-66 | Folmar, Kelsey | Student names and email | Request | Approved |
12-67 | Bryant, Joshua | UPD citations for 2010 | Request | Partially approved |
12-68 | Geiler, Lorna | Dates of employment of former employee | Request | Approved |
12-69 | Ogunbodede, Nike | REO Speedwagon contract & UB 2012 concert budget | Request | Approved |
12-70 | Ogunbodede, Nike | Chick-fil-A contract and amount of money made from FA09 to SP12 | Request | Approved |
12-71 | Bryant, Joshua | UPD citations for 2010 | Request | Denied |
12-72 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty list including addresses | Request | Partially approved |
12-73 | Dexter, Robyn | Fall & Spring 2012 scholarships and grants in aid for students | Request | Partially approved |
12-74 | Rodgers, Rachel | Grant in aid funds from 1992 to 7-1-12 | Request | Denied |
12-75 | Rodgers, Rachel | Student fee breakdown from 1992 to 7-1-12 and waivers | Request | Approved |
12-76 | Hall, Erik | Chick-fil-A contract and men soccer coaches employment contracts | Request | Approved |
12-77 | Hall, Erik | Subway contracts from 2002 to present | Request | Approved |
12-78 | Hironimus-Wendt, Robert | Faculty salary data | Request | Partially approved |
12-79 | Hironimus-Wendt, Robert | Spreadsheet of faculty gender and ethnicity | Request | Denied |
12-80 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty list including city of residence | Request | Denied |
12-81 | Calcaterra, Steve | FOP Collective Bargaining Agreements from 2002-2012 and positions by rank | Request | Approved |
12-82 | Rodgers, Rachel | Grant in Aid funds distribution from 2002-2012 to departments, number of students receiving aid per semester | Request | Approved |
12-83 | Dexter, Robyn | Student names and amounts receiving scholarships and grant in aid funds | Request | Partially approved |
12-84 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty list including city and state of residence | Request | Denied |
12-85 | Wofford, Chris | Source of funding for 91成人视频 lecturer to trace Chaucer's Canterbury Tales | Request | Approved |
12-86 | Cohen, Kevin | Various administrative employment contracts and salary information | Request | Approved |
12-87 | Koop, Chacour | List of city of residence of faculty without faculty names | Request | Approved |
12-88 | Dexter, Robyn | Grant in Aid funds distributed to athletic teams and athletes | Request | Partially approved |
12-89 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty list including ethnicity and gender | Request | Denied |
12-90 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty list with city of residence | Request | Denied |
12-91 | Asar, Fahimeh | Student directory list | Request | Denied |
12-92 | Calcaterra, Steve | UPD telecommunicators and collective bargaining agreement | Request | No records |
12-93 | Pottorff, Jordan | Specific coaches employment contracts | Request | Approved |
12-94 | Nett, Heather | Specific sports data | Request | Approved |
12-95 | Koop, Chacour | Number of undergraduates living in residence halls, Greek Court, University Court | Request | Approved |
12-96 | Koop, Chacour | Room and board expenses paid by students 2006-2012 | Request | Approved |
12-97 | Rodgers, Rachel | Distribution of student activity fee | Request | Approved |
12-98 | Rodgers, Rachel | Grant in Aid fees distributed to athletic teams 2001-2012 and number of athletes | Request | Approved |
12-99 | Bryant, Joshua | Citations for three weekends in 2011 | Request | Approved |
12-100 | Sterling, Grant | First-Time Freshmen ACT scores by ethnicity and enrollment information | Request | Approved |
12-101 | Lorton, Clint | Documents related to 91成人视频 Outside Sports Venue | Request | Approved |
12-102 | Fritz, Ann | Employee email addresses | Request | Approved |
12-103 | Koop, Chacour | Faculty salary list including number of pays | Request | Approved |
12-104 | Anderson, Brian | Contract for vendor for maintenance of food service equipment | Request | Approved |
12-105 | Cella, Ray | Employment contract of head men's basketball coach | Request | Approved |
12-106 | Muskewitz, Al | Football coaching staff salaries | Request | Approved |
12-107 | Varndell, Robert | Product specifications on 3 can liners on P.O. PN13432 | Request | Approved |
12-108 | Jesser, Sara | Acoustical ceiling tiles in boiler rooms | Request | No records |
12-109 | Keilman, John | Concussion management | Request | Approved |
Eastern Illinois University
Blair Hall - Room 2102
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264