Waiver of the 90 Semester Hour Policy
Undergraduate Honors Student
An 91成人视频 honors student who has less than 90 semester hours of completed course work at the time he or she wishes to register may apply to waive the 90-semester hour policy. Waiver of the policy will allow the honors student to enroll for the desired graduate level courses. In order to be eligible for this waiver option, the student must verify his or her status as an honors student. In addition, the student must provide evidence that he or she is currently enrolled in a sufficient number of semester hours to meet the 90-semester hour regulation at the conclusion of the current term. The student must meet the 2.75 GPA criteria as this policy may not be waived or appealed. If the waiver is approved, but the honors student fails to complete a sufficient number of semester hours in the current term to meet the 90 semester hour regulation, the Graduate School will remove the student from the approved courses after the 10th day enrollment roster is provided.
Please check one box: Waiver to Request Reserve Graduate Credit: I am requesting waiver of the 90-semester hour regulation to apply for permission to take graduate courses numbered 4750 through 5499 for reserve graduate credit. Reserve graduate credit is limited to a maximum of nine semester hours and cannot be used in any way for fulfilling the requirements of the undergraduate degree. Waiver to Request Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Credit: I am requesting a waiver of the 90 semester hour regulation to apply for permission to take graduate courses numbered 5000 through 5499 to apply toward an undergraduate degree.
Course will be taken during semester, 20
Department Course number Section Hrs. of credit CRN #
Are you an undergraduate honors student? Yes No
Will this course be used to complete the undergraduate honors program? Yes No
Name E#
Local Address
Local Telephone E-Mail Address
Student's Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________________________
Advisor's Decision:
_____ I verify that this student is an honors student and that he or she will meet the 90-semester hour regulation upon completion of the current term. I support the request.
_____ I do not support the request for the following reasons:
_________________________________ ______________________________________ Signature Email address ____________________________________________ Date
Honors student verification _____ Cum. 91成人视频 GPA ________ (2.75 +) Completed hrs _____ Current hrs _____
Major: _______________________________________Semester of Graduation: _________________________
Graduate Dean's Signature _________________________________ Permission Granted _______ Denied _______