Category *
Parade Entry Details
91成人视频 Homecoming Parade entries are required to submit separate forms for multiple entries, ie: more than one float/flatbed, motorized truck, car, marching band.
Each Homecoming Parade entry is responsible for the completion of its own Homecoming Parade registration.
Type of Parade Entry *
Parade Entry Division
Choose the Division that Best Describes the Parade Entry
Separate forms must be completed for entries with more than two motorized vehicles PER ENTRY.
Please indicate if this is a competing Homecoming Parade entry?
(Division A, C, D, E entries Only) *
General 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade Rules:
1. Parade entries are highly encouraged to reflect the 2025 Homecoming theme.
2. All 91成人视频 Homecoming parade entries are to be family-friendly and in good taste with participation subject to the approval of the 91成人视频 Homecoming Steering Committee.
3. 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade entries with live animals are responsible for cleaning up any animal waste.
4. 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade lineup begins at 7 am. All Parade entries must be checked in and properly line-up, as assigned by the 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade Committee, no later than 9 am on the day of the Homecoming Parade. Late arrival parade entries not in proper line up may be subject to not participating or assigned line-up at the end of the parade.
5. Any parade entry promoting the irresponsible use of alcohol, use of profanity, vulgarity, sexually explicit material, or implying discrimination will be removed from participation in the parade and/or parade route. ABSOLUTELY NO DRINKING or ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ALLOWED BY 91成人视频 HOMECOMING PARADE ENTRIES.
6. All parade motorized/non-motorized entries MUST have Proof of Vehicle Insurance Coverage.
7. DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS AND LOCAL CITY ORDINANCE - NO CANDY THROWING WILL BE ALLOWED. Parade participants/entrants are encouraged to hand out candy or toss at the feet of parade patrons along the parade route, but NO THROWING.
8. Any participants whose vehicle is not in the Homecoming parade must be dropped off in the parking lot by Andrews Hall, parking lot S, or the 9th Street lot. Driving up to their float in the line-up is prohibited.
2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade Agreement & Acknowledgement:
Furthermore, Participants do understand that if participants violate any of the above 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade Rules as set forth that it will be at the discretion of the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Steering Committee to terminate the participants' 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade entry's participation in the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade and/or future participation in 91成人视频 Homecoming Parades. Participants also give full permission for use of participants' name(s) and photograph in connection with the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade. I have reviewed and agree to adherence of the 91成人视频 2025 Homecoming Parade.
Agreement & Acknowledgement: As a Group/Individual Representative herein referred to as "Participants" I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade Rules as set forth, and hereby release, remise, and forever discharge Eastern Illinois University, its officers, agents, and directors, severally or jointly, as the sponsors presenting the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade and the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Steering Committee of and from all liability, claims, actions and possible causes of action whatsoever that may accrue to any participant member from every and any possible acts of omission, loss, property damage, and personal injury (including death) that may be sustained while participating in the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature
By submitting your digital signature you agree that you have reviewed and understand the general rules and regulations for the 2025 91成人视频 Homecoming Parade.
If tomorrow is Friday what day is today?