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91成人视频 Pine Honors College

Honors Council

The primary advisory body to the Dean of the Honors College, the Honors Council is composed of faculty, staff, chairs, and students from across campus.

Its primary duties, as taken from its bylaws, are to act, or suggest on proposals, with regard to:

  • Policies and procedures governing curricula for all Honors programs,
  • Addition of new Honors courses,
  • Modification, or deletion, of Honors courses,
  • Addition of new Honors programs,
  • Modification, or deletion, of Honors programs, and
  • Recommendations from the or concerning academic policies or general education.

Additionally, the Honors Council reviews and evaluates all Presidential Scholarship applications and makes recommendations as to their funding.

Qualities of Honors Courses and Honors Faculty

The qualities of Honors Courses and Honors Faculty have been reviewed by the Honors Council and are in keeping with recommendations proposed by the National Collegiate Honors Council for universities that have Honors Colleges.


The bylaws of the Honors Council are reviewed annually. The most recent version is posted here.


The Council will consist of two department Chairs, two staff members, three Honors students, and at least six faculty members drawn from the following groups:

  • Two faculty will come from different departments of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • One faculty each will come from the College of Education, the College of Health and Human Services, and the Lumpkin College of Business and Technology.
  • At least one faculty position will be at large (from any academic college).
  • One of the department Chairs will be from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and one may be from any college. Both may be from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.
  • The two staff positions may be filled by directors, associate directors, or assistant directors from the Academic Affairs and Student Affairs
  • The students chosen will be from different colleges where possible and will also include at least one student who is a transfer student or enrolled in Departmental Honors.

The Dean of the Pine Honors College and the Assistant Dean are ex officio, non鈥恦oting members.

Current Members

Council Member Capacity Term Ends
Dr. Jim Davis Chair, Geology/Geography
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 
Dr. Christiane Eydt-Beebe Chair, World Languages & Cultures
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences 
Dr. Jenny Sipes ex-officio, Assistant Dean
Honors College 
Dr. Richard England 别虫-辞蹿蹿颈肠颈辞,鈥疍别补苍
Honors College 
Dr. Angela Anthony Associate Professor, Communication Disorders & Sciences
College of Health & Human Services
Professor and Head of Research, Engagement and Scholarship, Booth Library
Academic Affairs
Dr. C.C. Wharram Professor of English and Director of the Center for the Humanities
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Dr. Stu Sallehu  Associate Professor, School of Business
Lumpkin College of Business and Technology
Dr. James Ochwa-Echel Professor and Coordinator of Africana Studies
College of Education
Jeremy Alexander Senior Associate Director of Residence Life, University Housing & Dining Services
Student Affairs
Will Padgett  Admissions Counselor, Admissions
Enrollment Management
Vacant Student  
Vacant Student  



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Contact Information

Sandra and Jack Pine Honors College

Pemberton Hall South
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2017
(888) 440-4664
Fax: (217) 581-7222

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