Student Employment is located in Room 2020, Old Main and can be contacted at 217-581-3712 or at
NEW! View and apply to Student Employment Opportunities via HANDSHAKE. Log in to . Questions about HANDSHAKE can be directed to Career Services at 217-581-2412 or
Eastern Illinois University has many job opportunities for students. Also, find out what opportunities are available off campus. Be sure to check for summer work opportunities, perhaps in your hometown.
Students use a variety of resources to find a job or internship. Unfortunately, we continue to see employment scams that college students are encountering. Most recently, these scam artists have been directly emailing students about their supposed opportunities. Many students have reported the emails they receive say that the "employer" received the student's information through our Career Center. Unfortunately, a few have fallen prey to these ‘jobs'.
Here are some red flags to be aware of:
Here is a recent example of a scam emailed to a student claiming to be from Advanced Processing and Imaging (API):
We have a vacancy for the position of a Customer Service Representative and an Accounts Officer. We are currently interviewing a couple of candidates for the position for the aforementioned positions. However, we have not sourced interested candidates for the position of the Account Officer. If you apply for that I can guarantee you the position if you are determined. Your primary responsibility as our account officer will be to handle payments from time to time from our customers. I am the head of the accounts department so I can assist you whenever you need more tutoring or information about the position. The form of payments from our customers usually come in check payments and bank transfers so its your choice to let us know which option suits you. I started from this level we are offering you so I can assure you that if you take the job seriously and are enthused in whatever tasks you are assigned you will be successful and promoted to a higher position in no time. Your starting salary will be between $5,000-$10,000 before tax along side company benefits on a monthly basis and you can make as much as $1,000 to $2,000 on a weekly basis. Please be aware that you can take this position regardless of your location we have customers worldwide and nationwide and the position is very flexible so in case you have another job you can still take this position. Kindly revert to me if you are interested with the following details.
First Name:
Last Name:
Mailing Address :
Zip Code:
Present Job(If any):
Mobile Phone #:
Contact Phone #:
Alternative Contact e-mail address:
Our Career Center works directly with legitimate employers looking to hire 91成人视频 students for full-time employment and internships. All job postings and employers requesting access to our HANDSHAKE site are pre-screened on a daily basis. Emails generated from this database to students will have in the address.
More information about HANDSHAKE is available HERE
IF YOU IDENTIFY A POTENTIAL SCAM: Please notify Career Services by calling 217-581-2412 or forward the details to
End all communication with the employer, and if personal information was disclosed, monitor your accounts over the next few days, to be on the safe side.
IF YOU HAVE BECOME A VICTIM OF A SCAM: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has provided the following instructions for students who have responded to fraudulent postings:
Check out their video for more tips!
Electronic signatures are currently not accepted for our institutional forms (listed below). All signatures must be handwritten. If you are connected to a printer, you may type in other information and print the form. Some information cannot be handled in this way, such as signature/date lines, and any information provided by or requiring the signature of another person.
All forms are .pdf documents.
The purpose of student employment is to assist students in finding jobs that will help defray the cost of their college education; to effectively match potential University employers with the available student workforce; and to provide all students seeking employment an equal opportunity to obtain jobs.
As approved by the President of the University, the following wage rates apply to student employment.
All newly employed students at Eastern Illinois University will utilize direct deposit.
Student employees must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Guidelines. A copy of the policy is available here.
Qualified students will be employed regardless of race/color, gender, age, religion, national origin or ancestry, marital status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any basis of discrimination precluded by the applicable federal and state statutes.
Student employees must be enrolled in 6 or more 91成人视频 hours per semester (for International Student requirements, see International Students). If students are in their last semester before graduation and are in enrolled in less than 6 hours, an email is required from their Adviser stating this information so that they may be eligible for student employment. Students enrolled in less than 6 semester hours please contact Student Employment.
If students become ineligible for student employment due to enrollment requirements and the manager or supervisor wish to continue the employment, this student may be able to continue work through "student extra help." This is for students that currently have a job. Please contact Human Resources for more information.
Federal Work-Study students are awarded funds by the semester. They are only allowed to work the first day of the semester to the last day of finals per semester. Please check the dates on the student's Federal Work-Study Authorization or contact the Student Employment Office.
Lakeview Nursing Students are not eligible for student employment. These students are housed on 91成人视频 campus but are not enrolled in 91成人视频 hours. If students become ineligible for student employment due to enrollment at Lakeview Nursing College and the manager or supervisor wish to continue the employment, students may be able to continue work through "student extra help." This is for students that currently have a job. Please contact Human Resources for more information.
Students that are registered only for zero credit hours of "91成人视频 Non-credit Thesis 5951" are not eligible for student employment on campus. If these students already have a job prior to this enrollment zero credit hours of "91成人视频 Non-credit Thesis 5951," and the manager or supervisor wish to continue employment, these students may be able to continue work through "student extra help" Please contact Human Resources for more information.
A student employee must be enrolled in 6 or more semester hours in a summer session unless he/she completed 6 semester hours during the prior spring semester.
If a student receives an academic dismissal from the university, their student job will be terminated. Students must be in good standing with the university to be eligible for student employment on campus.
Students that graduate in December are no longer eligible for student employment. Students that graduate in May can continue working into the summer until the summer pay period ends, which is early August. Check with the Student Employment Office for the exact date. International students are not permitted to work past their graduation in May, as their paperwork usually expires mid-May.
Students with graduate assistantship that do not include a stipend are eligible for on campus employment.
International Students are permitted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to work on campus and must be enrolled full-time (12 hours for undergraduate or 9 hours for graduate), unless otherwise cleared by the International Student Advisor/U.S. Immigration (when school is in session August-May). International Students enrolled less than full-time must be approved for student employment by the International Student Advisor.
Each Account Manager or Authorized Faulty/Staff Member and student employee must sign an Hourly Student Employment Authorization Request form and submit it to the Student Employment Office. The student employee should be approved for employment prior to the first date of work to avoid delay in pay or possibility of the student being ineligible for employment. Student Employment Authorizations must be on file in the Student Employment Office by the start of the second week of the pay period to ensure that the student is paid in a timely manner. Payment will be made only to those students authorized for employment by the Account Manager or Authorized Faculty/Staff Member and the Student Employment Office.
Account Managers, Faculty or Staff are responsible for certifying that student employees have complied with Employment Eligibility Verification required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by completing a Federal Form I-9. The Federal Form I-9 must accompany the Hourly Student Employment Authorization, along with copies of supporting documents showing identity and employment authorization. Always use the I-9 link provided on this web site. This will assure that you are always using the newest form.
Graduate Assistants or other student employees may not hire nor certify student employees. In other words, they may not fill out the Federal Form I-9 with the new student employee.
New Students to the University cannot start work before the first class day of the semester. If a student was not enrolled the prior semester, that student cannot work before the first class day of the semester. Federal Work-Study students cannot start work before the first class day of the semester.
All student employees, including Federal Work-Study students, are authorized to work a combined total from all campus employment not to exceed 42 hours per pay period when the University is in session. The supervisor may assign fewer than 42 hours to any student. (For International Student requirements see International Students).
When the University is not in session, student employees may work up to 37.5 hours per week provided student employees do not displace certified civil service employees. This would be during Christmas break and Spring break. (For International Student requirements see International Students).
Special Summer Maximum Hours Rule: student employees may work up to a maximum of 56 hours per pay period during the summer pay periods. The summer pay period begins after the last spring pay period is over and it ends prior to the start of the fall semester. Check with the Student Employment Office for the exact dates. (For International Student requirements see International Students).
After every pay period, the Office of Student Employment runs an Excess Hours report to make sure that student employees are staying within the Student Employment Regulations. If a supervisor knows a student will be working over the maximum hours, that supervisor needs to send an e-mail to the Office of Student Employment explaining the reason for the excess hours before the hours are worked. Due to the busy times of the year and the various activities on campus, this is occasionally acceptable for a student to work a few hours over the limit. If this becomes a habit for an individual student or department, review and action by the Student Employment Office will be taken. It is the responsibility of the student and the supervisor to keep track of the combined hours worked of all jobs.
If excess hours are worked per pay period without permission, the student’s job(s) will be terminated without warning. The student and the supervisor will be notified by e-mail. The student may return to the department as a student employee 2 weeks after termination with a new job authorization sent to the Student Employment Office from the department
As of August 21, 2017, the Student Employment Office will terminate student jobs for a period of 1 week for working excess hours, instead of the previous 2 week termination. This will be on a trial basis. If the number of excess hours increase by students or by certain departments, then the 2 week termination will resume. New job authorizations are still required for the student to return to work if the department(s) wish to rehire the student
A student may hold more than one student employment position. The total hours worked in all jobs must be monitored, so as to not exceed the maximum allowed by the Student Employment Regulations. A student may not hold both a student employment position and a civil service, faculty or administrative and professional contract concurrently at Eastern Illinois University.
When student employees are scheduled to work less than 4 hours, no break is required. If student employees are scheduled to work 4 to 6 hours, they are entitled to one 15 minute paid break. If student employees are schedule to work 6 to 7 ½ hours, they are entitled to two 15 minute paid breaks or one 30 minute unpaid lunch. This is subject to a department's written, internal policies and procedures regarding student employee breaks and lunch breaks.
Student employees should not have overtime pay.
Starting December 11, 2006, students will be paid bi-weekly on the same schedule as the civil service bi-weekly schedule. Students will be paid on a delayed 2-week schedule, the same as civil service bi-weekly.
Hourly students will not have ending dates on their employment contracts if the student’s employment will continue. Student jobs will be active until the department completes a Student Job Termination form. However, if it is discovered from a report that a student has not been paid in 8-9 months, it will be assumed that the student is not working. That student's job will be terminated.
It is the responsibility of the supervisor to see that the student employee has completed the required trainings.
As of January, 2021, daily paper timesheets are no longer needed for student employees. If a department wants to continue to keep paper timesheets, that is fine. Student employees will continue to enter their time worked through their PAWS. When prompted, they will then enter “Time In” and “Time Out” hours for each day worked using ¼ hour increments. Supervisors must make sure that the hours that they approve are accurate. Falsification of hours worked is grounds for immediate dismissal.
If the student’s work is not satisfactory or if other conditions make continuance inadvisable, the supervisor may request that the assignment be canceled. If a student employee wishes to be released from a particular employment assignment, the student should notify the supervisor one week prior to leaving the job to allow ample time to secure a replacement. The supervisor must notify the Student Employment Office by sending a Student Job Termination Form.
Upon termination of employment for any reason, a Student Termination Form must be completed and sent to the Student Employment Office. When student jobs are not completely terminated by the Student Employment Office, Ethics Training Notifications still go out, department rosters are not accurate, and student employee records are not correct. Student Job Termination Forms need to be completed as soon as possible when a student leaves a department.