ࡱ> MPLO 'bjbj 48ee-8Kg,:87777777$9<t7747R774 7YT/^q57 80:85==4 7 7=!777A:8= : Bylaws International Education Council Article I. Membership The International Education Council (IEC) shall consist of 11 voting members, experienced or interested in international education, selected or appointed for three-year overlapping terms. Voting members will include faculty and students from the following areas: Area 1: One faculty representative from the College of Health and Human Services Area 2: Two faculty representatives from the Lumpkin College of Business and Technology Area 3: One faculty representative from the College of Education Area 4: Four faculty representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, which includes one representative from the Sciences, one representative from the Arts and Humanities, and two additional at-large representatives. Area 5: One representative from the Council of Chairs Area 6: One international graduate student representative appointed by the Association of International Students to serve a one-year term Area 7: One undergraduate domestic student representative with study abroad experience appointed by the Assistant Dean for International Education .to serve a one-year term The following ex-officio members, without vote, shall serve: The Dean of the Graduate School or the Deans designee The Director of the Faculty Development and Innovation Center or the Directors designee The Dean of the Honors College or the Deans designee The Assistant Dean for International Education The Vice President of Student Affairs or the Vice Presidents designee. A current member of the Council on Academic Affairs Faculty Selection Procedures for Council Membership: Each voting member of the Council is selected for a three-year term in accordance with procedures established by his or her respective college or the Council of Chairs. During its March meeting the Council will review committee membership for the next year. The Dean of the Graduate School will notify the dean of the appropriate college and the Council of Chairs when a replacement from the College or the Council is required. The Dean of the College and the Chair of the Council will establish appropriate procedures to select a new representative. The name of the new representative will be forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate School by July 1. The new representatives will assume responsibilities at the first meeting held by the Council after this date. Student Selection Procedures for Council Membership: Prior to the first meeting in the new fiscal year, the Office of International Students and Scholars will establish appropriate procedures for selecting a graduate international student from the Association of International Students to serve on the Council. The name of the student representative will be forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate school prior to the first meeting in the new fiscal year. The Office of Study Abroad will establish appropriate procedures for selecting an undergraduate domestic student who has study abroad experience. The name of the student representative will be forwarded to the Dean of the Graduate School prior to the first meeting in the new fiscal year. Vacancies: Vacancies on the Council shall be filled by contacting the appropriate dean, council chair, or director, and requesting that a replacement be named to complete the period of vacancy of the permanent representative. Staff: A staff member appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School will take minutes and will distribute the minutes and other required communications to the members of the Council and will post the minutes on the web site after approval by the Council. Article II. Officers At the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Spring Semester, the Chair and Vice Chair shall be nominated and elected from among the voting members of the Council. Only members of the Council who have completed at least one year of their current term are eligible to serve as officers. The election will follow standard parliamentary procedure. The Chair shall: 1. Call meetings of the Council, 2. Preside at all meetings of the Council, 3. Prepare the agenda for each meeting. The Vice Chair shall assume the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. In the event that the Chair shall be unable to complete his/her term, the Vice Chair shall act as Chair for the duration of the academic year. Should the Vice Chair be unable to complete his/her term as Chair, the Council shall elect a new Chair at the next regular meeting of the Council. Should the Vice Chair be unable to complete his/her term as Vice Chair, the Council shall elect a new Vice Chair at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Council. Note: The statement Only members on the Council who have completed at least one year of their current term are eligible to serve as officers means that a council member who is elected to serve a second three-year term would not be eligible to serve in the chair or vice chair roles during the first year of service of the second term. Article III. Functions The International Education Council is the principle university council that advises the Dean of the Graduate School on plans that pertain to international education. The Council shall: Review and evaluate plans related to international students. Student programs may include those related to recruitment, orientation, retention, matriculation, support services, integrative programs, articulation, commencement and alumni recognition. The Council also reviews and recommends candidates for international scholarships. Review and evaluate plans that promote international experiences for faculty. Faculty programs may include faculty exchanges, visiting scholar programs and other endeavors that support the mission. Review and evaluate plans that promote study abroad. Study abroad promotion may include reviews of policies, agreements, and initiatives that advance and enhance study abroad programming. Make recommendations to appropriate administrative offices and other academic councils for approval. Receive periodic reports from the Dean of the Graduate School and/or the Deans designees and render any advice considered appropriate. Promote international education by attending and sponsoring international events and activities, by urging faculty, students, staff, and the administration to attend and sponsor international events and activities. Article IV. Committees The International Education Council may create committees appropriate to the execution of its functions. Standing committees are outlined below. Committee members are determined annually from the IEC membership at the first meeting of each academic year. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will include the Chair, Vice Chair, Dean of the Graduate School, and the Assistant Dean for International Education. The Executive Committee will assist the Chair with the development of the agenda for each meeting and assist the Council with completion of projects or initiatives important to international education. B. International Student Scholarships Committee: This Committee will include a minimum of four faculty Council voting members. This Committee will recommend international applicants for International Student Scholarships. Study Abroad Committee: This Committee will include a minimum of four faculty Council voting members. This Committee will provide recommendations on study abroad. Article V. Meetings The International Education Council shall meet at least once a month, according to a schedule developed each fall. As provided in Article II, the agenda shall be set by the Chair. The agenda shall, as far as practical, be distributed in advance of the meetings. Minutes from each meeting shall be kept. A simple majority shall constitute a quorum, which is 6 voting members. In default, Roberts Rules of Order shall apply. 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