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91成人视频 Department of
World Languages and Cultures

Study Abroad


91成人视频 has programs with two German universities located in the beautiful and historic towns of Lüneburg (in the north of Germany, about 30 minutes from Hamburg) and Würzburg (in Bavaria, between Frankfurt and Nürnberg). We are also offering a 3-week faculty-led summer program in Berlin and Munich. 

Semester or Year Programs

Student News: Jenny O'Boyle (German Major, Teacher Education) is spending Spring 2017 in Würzburg. 

Jenny Berlin

 Jenny in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.


Summer Program

 Faculty-led Study Abroad in Germany.

May 20-June 11, 2020 (3 weeks) 

Germany 2020



DresdenDirectors: Dr. Christiane Eydt-Beebe (World Languages) and Dr. Sace Elder (History)

Spend 11 days in Berlin and 10 days in Munich.

Visit DresdenNürnbergBerchtesgaden, and Neuschwanstein.

Spend a day in Salzburg (Austria). Earn 6 upper division credits in German, History, or Humanities senior seminar. 

small Neuschwanstein

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Contact Information

Department of World Languages & Cultures

Coleman Hall, First Floor
Fax: 217-581-3113

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