The chemistry major at Eastern is built upon and fosters strong student-faculty interactions through small classes and collaborative research opportunities as well as through substantial hands-on learning experiences using state-of-the-art instruments, equipment, and software. Courses in the major are taught by a well-trained and dedicated cohort of PhD. faculty with a strong record of research. Chemistry faculty have high expectations for chemistry majors and they are equally committed to their success. Effective communication is stressed throughout the curriculum in written lab reports as well as our seminar program, and a number of our majors present their research work at local, regional, or national meetings in the field.
Our goal is to help you become a well-trained chemist and prepare you for the next step in your chosen career path. Whether you are planning to pursue a graduate or professional degree, to teach, or to seek employment in the chemical or related industries upon graduation, our programs are designed to help you achieve your goals.
The department offers five different degree programs:
Students who are more interested in the interface of biology and chemistry should consult the BS Biochemistry page, though switching from one BS program to the other (or from the BS to the BA degree) is not difficult within the first five semesters of study.
All five chemistry programs are built upon a common set of chemistry foundation courses plus ancillary courses in math (calculus) and physics. These courses are typically completed in the first two years of study.
Students with a high GPA and have a passion for research can add departmental honors to their degree, which involves a honors seminar course, taking a graduate-level course, and presenting & defending an undergraduate thesis.
Degree: BA in Chemistry, BS in Chemistry
Accreditation: BS Certified by American Chemical Society
- Degree Plan
Physical Science 3150
URL: /eiuchem/