The Science with Teacher Certification major prepares students for teaching careers in the sciences (biological sciences, chemistry, earth sciences and physics) at the secondary level (grades 9-12). For students also wanting to be eligible to teach middle school sciences, additional Middle Level Education courses are required.
This major requires that students follow and meet the requirements for Admission, Retention and Graduation from Teacher Certification programs as described in the Teacher Certification Programs section of the undergraduate catalog and as explained at the University Admission to Teacher Education Meeting, which all students must attend. Students must gain University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses no later that the end of their first semester Junior year. Additional information on Admission, Retention and Graduation for Teacher Certification programs can be found on the College of Education and Professional Studies website at
Degree: SCI
Completion time: 131316
Physical Science 3020
URL: /biology/teacher_certification.php