The Latin American Studies minor is an interdisciplinary approach that explores the history, culture, geography, economy, politics, art, literature, and business climate of Latin America.
Combine your Major with a Minor in Latin American Studies and boost your résumé. A Latin American Studies Minor complements majors in a number of fields and makes you attractive for employers in a global economy.
Sociology, History, Spanish, English, Political Science, and more.
Are you planning to enter government service, journalism, international business, or work in the environmental sciences? Are you planning to work in the nonprofit sector?
Especially for those who have an intermediate (or higher) proficiency level of Spanish, there are many opportunities to work with a diverse population of people of Latin American heritage.
Are you planning to pursue an advanced degree in international business or law? Are you planning to go to graduate school in the humanities or social sciences?
A minor in LAS provides students with an interdisciplinary grounding in the culture, history, and politics of Latin America.
1355 Coleman Hall
URL: /latstudi/