Health Administration is the best option for students who are more interested in the management and administration side of health care delivery. Typically, students enrolled in this option prefer to be planning, making decisions, and implementing the processes that ensure direct care providers have all the necessary resources to do their jobs, rather than working directly with health-related clients.
Students complete the Business Administration minor which meets admissions requirements for most MBA programs. New in Fall 2023, students have a second choice for their minor: the Civic & Non-Profit Leadership minor. Students in this degree program are eligible to sit for the Certified Health Education Specialist exam in their last term of study.
All of the core required PUBH courses are available in an online delivery format over a 3 semester sequence. Some of the Business Administration minor courses are available in an online delivery format, and many of the Civice & Non-Profit Leadership courses (PLS) are also available online.
Core courses include: Personal Health, Community Health, Health Literacy, Research Methods, Health Care Delivery Systems, Epidemiology, Health Behavior Theory, Planning Health Programs, Health Administration.
Elective courses include: Health Citizenship, Human Diseases, Health Communication, Human Sexuality, Women's Health, Drugs and Society, Health and Aging, Health and Humor, Disaster Preparedness, Health Policy & Politics.
Degree: BS
Completion time: 120 semester hours
Where do our students do their internships?
Anywhere they want to!
Our internship coordinator Dr. Nikki Hillier works collaboratively with students to identify internship sites and complete internship contracts, then supervises them throughout the experience.
Some of the places our students have been include:
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Love the administrative side of life, AND passionate about health and health care? Administration in the health care fields is one of the fastest growing professions, with job growth potential of around 20% over the next 30 years.
The B.S. in Health Administration gives you the best of both worlds: a strong grounding in community and personal health, and a strong foundation in business administration OR civic & non-profit leadership. As an incoming freshman, you can even consider doing a double major or a double degree. If you are interested in a double major or degree with Health Admin and a degree in the School of Business, our academic advisor will work with the advisors in the School of Business to put together a completion plan that allows you to complete two majors in 4 years (or even two degrees, if you happen to be bringing in enough dual credit!).
Want even more value? We have a department honors program, and an Accelerated Master's Degree program that allows undergraduate students to start on their master's degree their senior year -- and double count those courses toward both their B.S. and their M.S. degrees. PLUS: we have a DUAL Master's Degree program with the School of Business: you can get your MS in Health Promotion & Leadership AND your MBA, completely online, in 2 years.
Check out our webpage for more info!
What is the most common question transfer students have?
"Am I going to be able to finish my degree on time?"
That's why we have our transfer students meet with our academic advisor Mrs. Harvey during Transfer Orientation, if not earlier, so we can work with your to create a degree completion plan that fits your timeframe, your work and life schedules, and your financial requirements.
Transfer students who enter the program in their first semester of the junior year can usually finish all their coursework and their internship in 4 semesters. Some students need the full four semesters for their classes, and complete their internship in the summer. It all depends on what coursework you took at your previous school, and how many courses you are able to take each semester.
Love the administrative side of life, AND passionate about health and health care? Administration in the health care fields is one of the fastest growing professions, with job growth potential of around 20% over the next 30 years.
The B.S. in Health Administration gives you the best of both worlds: a strong grounding in community and personal health, and a strong foundation in business administration OR civic & non-profit leadership. As an incoming freshman, you can even consider doing a double major or a double degree. If you are interested in a double major or degree with Health Admin and a degree in the School of Business, our academic advisor will work with the advisors in the School of Business to put together a completion plan that allows you to complete two majors in 4 years (or even two degrees, if you happen to be bringing in enough dual credit!).
Want even more value? We have a department honors program, and an Accelerated Master's Degree program that allows undergraduate students to start on their master's degree their senior year -- and double count those courses toward both their B.S. and their M.S. degrees. PLUS: we have a DUAL Master's Degree program with the School of Business: you can get your MS in Health Promotion & Leadership AND your MBA, completely online, in 2 years.
Check out our webpage for more info!
Klehm Hall 4303
URL: /healthadmin/