If you are working in the health fields, and want to finish a bachelor's degree in a program that honors the coursework you've already completed plus your need for work/life balance, you've found the right degree!
The BAAS Health Practice is a highly flexible program with a limited number of required hours that is based on our strong BS Public Health program. There are 36 hours of required courses, which includes 2 12-hour internships which can be based at your current place of work. The 9 hours of electives include courses that you may have already taken and can transfer in, or you can take something to enhance your professional training, such as Mind-Body Medicine or Health Administration.
Core Required Courses: (36 hours)
Elective courses: select 9 hours from the following (9 credits)
Plus, students may earn up to 12 hours through Credit for Prior Learning, so if you have CEUs or other specialized training that doesn't show on your transcript, we have a way to possibly count it toward earning your degree!
Degree: Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences
Completion time: 120 hours with 36 hours required in the major
Dept of Public Health and Nutrition
Email: jcdietz@eiu.edu