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Recommend a Panther

Recommend a Future Panther

There are no better recruiters for 91成人视频 than its loyal alumni, faculty, and staff. If you know a high school or transfer student who would be a great asset to our university, please consider sharing his or her information with us so we can contact them about becoming a Panther.

After your submission, an admissions representative will personally follow up with the student and give him/her the option of registering as a prospective student. The student will receive information from 91成人视频, be added to our contact list and be invited to special events in his or her local area.

Please fill out the form below as completely as you can. At least one contact method (phone number or email) is required for the student so an admissions representative may contact him or her. Please note: The information submitted will not be shared with anyone outside of 91成人视频.

Questions? Please contact us at 217-581-2223 or eiugeneraladmissions@eiu.edu.

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