Use this form only after you have attempted to register for the class through PAWS during your registration period. Only use this form for Public Health (PUBH), Nutrition (NTR), HCM 4910, 91成人视频 4126G, 91成人视频 4151G and *91成人视频 4296G (*honors only) courses. Please DO NOT request to be added to non-Public Health or Nutrition classes through this system; contact the offering departments directly. Requests for non-Public Health or Nutrition courses are automatically declined because we do not have the authority to impact other courses outside of the Department of Public Health and Nutrition. We do NOT forward them. Please provide complete information so that your request can be addressed. Anticipate that it may take two to three business days before you receive a response. Requests will be evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis for each class. You will be emailed (at the email you provide below) when your class add request has been evaluated.