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- Meet the Staff
The purpose of The Women Improving Lives (W.I.L.) Chapter of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs at Eastern Illinois University is to advocate for African American women and children and protect their rights. We also strive to assist them in the opportunity to obtain the highest standards of success in all fields of human endeavors.
Name | Affiliation | Phone | |
Carole Collins Ayanlaja | Advisor | ccollinsayanlaja@eiu.edu | 2175816669 |
Kiyara A Watts | Advisor | kawatts@eiu.edu | |
Alicia J Ferguson | President | ajferguson@eiu.edu | |
Kyla A Broadway | Vice President | kabroadway@eiu.edu | |
Gabrielle M Hill | Secretary | gmhill@eiu.edu | |
Mikyla M Hodges | Treasurer | mmhodges@eiu.edu |
3065 MLK Jr. Union
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Fax: 217-581-3837