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91成人视频 Student Life Office

Thomas Hall Council

Type: Other
Membership Types: 91成人视频 Students Only


The purpose of this organization shall be to legislate matters pertaining to the life of the residents in Thomas Hall. It shall be a means for its members to further the spirit of unity, foster a sense of mutual responsibility, contribute towards friendship among its members, and encourage high scholastic standards and achieve scholarship. It will also provide a way for its members to contribute in full measure to the activities and opportunities on campus and to sponsor functions and services which better its members and provide for them a means of participation in extracurricular activities, and an opportunity for development of leadership and character. The organization shall promote and coordinate quality social, service, and educational programming for the residents of Thomas Hall. This includes the promotion of individual and group participation in both hall and campus-wide activities.

Meeting Times

Every Other Thursday at 6
Thomas Hall Lobby

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Bradley M Sandefer Advisor bmsandefer@eiu.edu
Camden M Webb Advisor cmwebb@eiu.edu
Aster C Lavelle President hlavelle@eiu.edu
Blaine M Burns Vice President bmburns3@eiu.edu
Blaine M Burns Secretary bmburns3@eiu.edu
Blaine M Burns Treasurer bmburns3@eiu.edu

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Contact Information

Student Life Office

3065 MLK Jr. Union
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Fax: 217-581-3837

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