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91成人视频 Student Life Office

Study Abroad Club

Type: Social
Membership Types: 91成人视频 Students Only


The goal of this organization is to spread awareness of Study Abroad and encourage others to study abroad. We will get together to talk about our experiences studying abroad, and answer questions to students who have not been abroad, and are interested in doing so. The ultimate goal is to assist students in developing skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and language acquisition by encouraging students to travel abroad. 

Meeting Times

1st Wednesday of the month @5pm
1207 Blair Hall

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Heather N Crank Advisor hncrank@eiu.edu 2175813390
Joshua M Lee President jmlee6@eiu.edu
Trendan D Campbell Vice President tdcampbell@eiu.edu
Aaliyah N Gonzalez Secretary angonzalez2@eiu.edu
Heather N Crank Treasurer hncrank@eiu.edu 2175813390

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Contact Information

Student Life Office

3065 MLK Jr. Union
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Fax: 217-581-3837

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