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91成人视频 Student Life Office

91成人视频 Pickleball Club

Type: Athletic
Membership Types: 91成人视频 Students/Faculty/Other


The purpose of the Pickleball Club of Eastern Illinois University is to connect 91成人视频 and Community players and provide a fun and educational environment in order to experience the sport of Pickleball.

Playing Times

When the weather is nice Beginner Pickleball has been happening at Sister City Park on Mondays from 5-7, with intermediate to advanced play on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-7. Saturday mornings Pickleball happens from 7-9.

When the temperatures gets cooler we will move inside to McAfee and our reservations are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:30, and Saturdays 7-10.

Connecting with Community Players

 You can connect with community players either via the 91成人视频 and Charleston Illinois Pickleball Players or there is always communication going on in the Charleston Pickleball group.

Meeting Times

Tuesday/Thursday:5:30-7:30pm/Saturday: 7-10 am
McAfee Gym

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Hasan F Mavi Advisor hfmavi@eiu.edu 2173088223
Josh L Norman Advisor jlnorman@eiu.edu 2175816077
Ella K Zahm President ekzahm@eiu.edu
Alexis J Weger Vice President ajweger@eiu.edu
Elijah E Kubicek Secretary eekubicek@eiu.edu

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Contact Information

Student Life Office

3065 MLK Jr. Union
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Fax: 217-581-3837

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