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91成人视频 Student Life Office

Phi Sigma Pi

Type: Honorary
Membership Types: 91成人视频 Students Only


Phi Sigma Pi shall be an Honor Fraternity for students in 4-year collegiate institutions and alumni founded upon a basis of superior scholarship with the avowed purpose of advancing academic, professional, and social ideals. Phi Sigma Pi shall exist to meet the needs of close fellowship among students of like ideals who are interested in the same end. Phi Sigma Pi shall be a major and gender-inclusive fraternity built on a tripod of scholarship, leadership and fellowship. 

Meeting Times

Monday 8:00
Physical Science Room 2157

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Angela B Anthony Advisor abanthony@eiu.edu 2175817445
Paige E Cooper President pecooper@eiu.edu
Karly K Hoggard Vice President kkhoggard@eiu.edu
Abby J McBride Secretary ajmcbride@eiu.edu
Chase D Pier Treasurer cdpier@eiu.edu

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Contact Information

Student Life Office

3065 MLK Jr. Union
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Fax: 217-581-3837

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