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Eight (8) semester hours in graduate educational foundations coursework. Courses in the Master's Degree Program Whether you choose a Masters only or a Masters and an LBSII, you will complete an additional core set of special education courses. The core set will depend on your goals in finishing the program. For non-thesis option, this core will equal 21-22 semester hours. For thesis option, it will be 15-16 semester hours. Study Plan Approval: Your study plan will be developed with an advisor. Dispositional Checklist: Self-assessment of dispositions is required to be submitted in the last semester of course work for Masters, LBSII, or Director Certification. Examinations: a. LBS II: If completing LBS II or Director coursework, the state test must be taken and scores must be submitted to the Department. b. Culminating comprehensive written and/or oral exams may also be required. c. Thesis Option: For students in the "thesis option" an oral exam must be taken in defense of the thesis. d. All LBS II and Director candidates must pass the state specific area tests and the score must be submitted to Eastern before the approved program will be verified as being completed. ADMISSION DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS Degree Status a. You must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale for that degree, or have achieved a 2.75 GPA in the last two years of undergraduate work. (The last two years of undergraduate work is defined as all of the courses in the academic terms which constitute the student's last 60 semester hours (or equivalent) prior to graduation.) If the GPA or institutional standards are not met, the student may complete 9 semester hours of graduate level courses in the department with a grade point average of 3.3 or higher. b. Two letters of recommendation one which (1) must address the individual's potential to engage successfully in graduate study. One letter (2) should document experience with children or adults with exceptionalities (e.g., teaching, student teaching, volunteer work, private or public agency experience). If you completed your undergraduate at 91Ƶ with a Special Education major, you will only need the #2 letter of recommendation. c. An "official set of transcripts" documenting all prior coursework is required. Transcripts are to be submitted to the department and the University. If ALL your coursework is from 91Ƶ, you do not need to send transcripts. d. A statement of future professional goals (1 paragraph written by the candidate). Dispositional check sheets completed by a co-worker and a supervisor and submitted to the Department. A copy of the school/district state report card reflecting demographic information for each district/building in which candidate has been professionally employed. Factors that are considered as the advisor and candidate formulate the "Study Plan": candidates professional goals, extent of his or her experience with individuals with exceptionalities, and the candidates professional writing competencies. GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS Approximately two graduate assistants are supported each year. Recipients are engaged in support activities, including supervision of practicum. Applications accepted yearly. Contact Department of Special Education for information. HOW TO APPLY Graduate catalogs and applications for admission and financial aid are available online: Graduate School Eastern Illinois University 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston IL 61920. 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