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STATE OF ILLINOIS SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP or the Illinois Special Education Teacher Tuition Waiver (SETTW) WHERE TO APPLY: Illinois Student Assistance Commission** GET APPLICATION: Contact Illinois Student Assistance Commission** APPLICATIONS DUE: March 1st of each year STATUE: State of Illinois INTENT: Award of Special Education Scholarship repayable through teaching for two of the five years immediately following graduation in the State of Illinois. TARGET POPULATIONS: Special Education majors APPLICATION: Application can be found on-line in December F RESTRICTIONS: Register in a program of special education at the university within 10 days after the beginning of the term, quarter or semester, immediately following the receipt of the scholarship. Remain in attendance at the university on a continuous basis during the regular academic year (summer sessions optional). You must: be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen, be a legal resident of Illinois, a graduate of an Illinois high school by the end of the term in which the award is made. [General Educational Development (GED) Certificate recipients are not eligible for this waiver.] TYPE OR AMOUNT Award pays tuition, graduation, and activity fees (but NOT all fees) for up to 4 OF ASSISTANCE: years. It is valid for four calendar years from date of issuance unless otherwise specified, while recipients are enrolled for residence credit. ( F Scholarship is issued in July & student must have registered for/by Fall cannot wait till Spring.) PAYMENT: Must teach two of the five years immediately following graduation in the area of special education in any recognized public, private or parochial school in the State of Illinois. FOR INFORMATION Contact: Illinois Student Assistance Commission** ON THIS PROGRAM: 1755 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield, IL 60015-5207  HYPERLINK "http://www.isac.org/isac-gift-assistance-programs/illinois-special-education-teacher-tuition-waiver/index.html" http://www.isac.org/isac-gift-assistance-programs/illinois-special-education-teacher-tuition-waiver/index.html Be 7^_`deklwz ң}o}g_gWgKgCgWgh sOJQJhh 5OJQJh OJQJhOJQJh OJQJhh 5>*OJQJh h >*OJQJhh8CJOJQJhhCJOJQJhh CJOJQJhx=h >*CJOJQJaJ"hx=h85>*CJOJQJaJhx=h8>*CJOJQJaJhx=h >*CJOJQJaJhx=>*CJOJQJaJ`l n | }   < = p^p`gd s !$a$gd s$a$  & F !gd  !6^6gd gdx=  s   ! $ % G M  # @ D K L n v { | } Ź띑|unj]Oh sh85CJOJQJhh sCJOJQJh hh hh hh>*OJQJh>*OJQJhh>*OJQJhh>*OJQJhOJQJhAOOJQJhx=h 5OJQJhx=h 5>*OJQJh sOJQJhx=OJQJh OJQJh OJQJhh 5OJQJ   : ; ~  l m ˺˰~tt~ldtZ~h8CJOJQJhZOJQJh/OJQJh8CJOJQJhx=OJQJhh85H*OJQJhh85OJQJhOJQJh8OJQJh8CJOJQJ!h sh85;>*CJOJQJh sh85CJOJQJhx=5CJOJQJh sh s5CJ OJQJaJ h85CJOJQJ! l m VW4 gdx=@ ^@ @ -DM ^@ gdx= @ ^@ ` 0^`0 @ ^@ `gdx=SUVfgzV  $$/$3$H$壘}phh8CJOJQJh8Uh~DOJQJhx=hx=0JOJQJhx=hx=OJQJjhx=hx=OJQJUhOJQJh8>*OJQJh8CJOJQJh OJQJhZOJQJh/OJQJh8OJQJhx=OJQJhzhx=OJQJ)sure to check website periodically for updates Phone: 800-899-4722      FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT State of Illinois Special Education Tuition Waiver rev13 /$H$J$K$M$N$P$Q$S$T$U$%%%%gd@ ^@ gdx=H$I$K$L$N$O$Q$R$T$$$$$$$%%%%%%ںhh8CJOJQJhXLhXL5CJ \hg5CJ \mHnHuh/5CJ \jh/5CJ U\ h/CJ hXLCJ hBjhBU,1h/ =!"#$% s2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH H`H Normal CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List f$f Envelope Address!@ &+D/^@ ;^Jh4@4 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !6U`!6 Hyperlink >*B*phFV 1F FollowedHyperlink >*B* phTCBT Body Text Indent@ ^@ `OJQJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< *  H$%  %  _ Xw8@0(  B S  ?::::::::::: ::::Q Q w w      Y Y       9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsState;*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsaddress8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PostalCode:*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsStreet    ! # $ & ' LRlLS#3 6 F L    ! # $ & ' 3333333333333#@DKLL2 2 4 7 B C E E F M U V      ( #@DKLL2 2 4 7 B C E E F M U V       ! # $ & ' ;Uh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHhv ^v `OJQJo(hHhF ^F `OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hH;          /x=AOZ sg89@T@ XL~DB|[yK  @L h@hh @hh(@hH@UnknownG.Cx Times New Roman5Symbol3. .Cx Arial7. 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