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The Cooperating Teacher with whom you are placed for the special education component must have a Professional Educator License with State of Illinois LBS I endorsement and for the Early Childhood Special Education component the cooperating teacher must have a Professional Educator License (EC or LBS I) and a Letter of Approval for Early Childhood Special Education. Before you can commence to student teach, you must pass the State of Illinois content area tests for LBS I, Early Childhood Special Education and the General Curriculum Test. Candidates in the Early Childhood Option with ENDORSEMENT in Early Childhood are to do 8 weeks in either LD, BD (S/ED), EMH or cross-categorical classroom (LBS I) with primary age learners and 8 weeks in an inclusive early childhood classroom for ages 3-5 (not Head Start). Inclusive means the class is made up of young children with and without disabilities. For the 8 week primary Special Education component, the Cooperating Teacher with whom you are placed must have a Professional Educator License with the State of Illinois LBS I endorsement. For the inclusive Early Childhood setting the Cooperating Teacher must have either an EC or LBS I endorsement and a Letter of Approval for Early Childhood Special Education. Before you can commence to student teach, you must pass the State of Illinois content area tests for LBS I, Early Childhood, Early Childhood Special Education and the General Curriculum Test. Candidates in the: Standard Special Option are to do 16 semester hours with one 8 week experience in a H.S. setting (6-12) and one 8 week experience in an Elementary setting (K-5). One of the two assignments must be with a resource teacher. The settings should provide experience with more than one category of learners. Teachers with whom you are placed must have a Professional Educator License with State of Illinois LBS I endorsement. Before you can commence to student teach, you must pass the State of Illinois content area test for the LBS I and the General Curriculum Test. Candidates in the Standard Special Option with Elementary Education are to do 16 semester hours of student teaching with 8 weeks in an Elementary classroom, 1-5, and 8 weeks in L.D., B.D. (S/ED), E.M.H. or cross-categorical classroom (LBS I), grades 6-12. The Special Education teachers with whom you are placed must have a Professional Educator License with State of Illinois LBS I endorsement and the elementary teacher must have a 1-5 or K-5 elementary endorsement. Before you can commence student teaching, you must pass the Illinois content area tests for LBS I, Elementary/Middle Grades, and the General Curriculum Test. Candidates in the Standard Special Option with Secondary Education are to do 16 semester hours of student teaching with 8 weeks in a High School setting, 9-12, in the given academic area and 8 weeks in L.D., B.D. (S/ED), E.M.H. or cross-categorical classroom (LBS I) in grades K-5. The Special Education teachers with whom you are placed must have a Professional Educator License with State of Illinois LBS I endorsement and the content area teacher must hold a high school endorsement for your given academic area. Before you can comment student teaching, you must pass the Illinois content area tests for LBS I, Academic Area and the General Curriculum Test. Post-Baccalaureate candidates who came here with B.S. degrees who have never taught and are in the process of completing our Special Education licensure program must student teach a minimum of 16 weeks. One 8 week experience in a H.S. setting (6-12) and one 8week experience in an Elementary setting (K-5). One of the two assignments must be with a resource teacher. The settings should provide experience with more than one category of learners. Teachers with whom you are placed must have a Professional Educator License with State of Illinois LBS I endorsement. Before you can commence student teaching, you must pass the Illinois content area LBS I test and the General Curriculum Test. We will continue to process Admission to Teacher Education as we have been doing for the past several years. If each of you come to our office and tell the secretary that you are planning to student teach the next semester by Sept. 30 for Spring and Feb. 1 for Fall, we will then set into motion our final approval process and will return to you communication as to your departmental status as soon as we can after midterm. This process of completing your program should be a joint effort; thus we rely on good communication. We spend much time and effort getting you ready for student teaching and we deeply care about the integrity of our approved programs. Student Teaching is an exceedingly important part of this process. Lets do it right! If, when you receive your official assignments, you feel the parameters above have not been met please come see me immediately. NOTE: 1-5 can be 1-6 if grade 6 is in an elementary school.      FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Student Teaching and Seeking Licensure  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Student Teaching and Seeking Licensure Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2 Revised: 8-28-19 Department of Special Education 1212 Buzzard Hall 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston IL 61920-3099 Phone: 217-581-5315 Fax: 217-581-7004 MP% / 0 1 \ ] P Z c { G g  $ . 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